What is the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and how does it work in Spain?
Internacional | Artículo-
- May 2023
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- May 2023
- Internacional
- Artículo
With increasing numbers of young adults thirsting for adventure and new experiences overseas, Spain is a hot destination for fulfilling those requirements. Yet, there are many intricacies one must consider when making the final decision to ultimately spend a whole semester, or more, in Spain. Among them is the inclusion of the European Credit Transfer Union (ECTS), a credit system that allows for the same qualifications at any European university, including many in Spain.
If you dream to study at ESIC, contact us and we will guide you through the whole process. We have personalized help for international students, get in touch!
What is the ECTS?
The ECTS is basically a method used by multiple universities in Europe to make their grading scales and the student's abilities as transparent as possible. It helps students' credits be recognized all across Europe in one singular grading scale based mostly on performance and time spent studying. It also makes transferring credits easier between higher-level education and other universities more catered to specific needs or study paths. It makes a way for students to have their merits evaluated on the same scale as everyone else and makes it easier for them to be recognized by the optimal universities. Fair is fair and this program recognizes that in spades
How does ECTS work?
ECTS credits are acquired through hours spent in class as opposed to being based on merit or grading scales. For instance, an entire school year gives a student 60 ECTS credits, depending on how many classes are taken and hours spent doing other assignments like labs and such. This allows for transcripts to be passed on between different universities and makes studying abroad more accessible to students looking to bounce around between different countries like Spain. With such a centralized way of calculating grades, universities can focus on merits and other extracurricular activities to evaluate a students performance themselves.
What are ECTS points?
ECTS points are accumulated throughout the hours spent working or studying, but they can be diversified to different fields of study as well as graduate and undergraduate programs. Certain labs, programs, and degrees grant more or less ECTS points than others, so it all relates to different specifications. The good thing about this is that these points are held consistently throughout the various universities’ programs. So, if one decides to study architecture at one university in Spain, they can transfer all of those ECTS credits specified towards architecture to another university in Spain or any other country in Europe. The same goes for any other program or major, in the case of the United States.
What about Spain?
Spain uses a very basic metric for grading and providing ECTS points and credits. Many universities work on a pass-or-fail structure for how the credits are acquired. However, the amount of credits is based solely on the number of hours studied and classes taken. On average, the majority of universities in Spain give out around 30 credits per semester, with credits provided on a scale from 1 to 10. The good thing is that the only failures on that scale are numbers one and two, with the other numbers implying a number of credits earned.
Why is it necessary for international students?
International students should take note of how these grades are calculated and what their standards are for the universities. These credits can make for a varied international studying experience. Spain alone has so many different universities for students to choose from, all of which use the ECTS grading system and aim to use it as their primary method of acquiring new students and their respective credits. Overall, it seems to be the only way that grading is headed for European countries and anyone looking to go anywhere in that direction should look directly into what they require for students. ECTS may be an example in the future of how things may go and how grading could be implemented for schools all across the world in due time.
If you dream to study at ESIC, contact us and we will guide you through the whole process. We have personalized help for international students, get in touch!
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