What is mindful marketing? We'll explain it with some examples | ESIC Pasar al contenido principal

What is mindful marketing? We'll explain it with some examples

Marketing y Comunicación | Artículo
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  • May 2022
_ESIC Business & Marketing School

_ESIC Business & Marketing School

ESIC Business & Marketing School.

What would a First date between marketing and mindfulness look like?

Is it possible to pair these two seemingly disparate disciplines? The truth is that together they give rise to an exciting concept: mindful marketing.

The moment of introductions between Mindfulness and Marketing, that tingling in the stomach... 

Mindfulness: Hello, Marketing. I'll introduce myself: I'm Mindfulness. I like tranquility, awareness, being in the present moment. In short, living in the present. And you, tell me about yourself! 

Marketing: Hi, Mindfulness, I'm Marketing. Well, I am very restless. I like to analyse the past a lot in order to think about what to do in the future. Most of the time I miss the opportunity to enjoy the present moment. What can I do!  

Mindfulness: Wow, you are very analytical and creative; I am very observant and sensory. At first glance, we have little in common. In fact, you seem very agitated, in a hurry and always looking for ways to satisfy needs. I, on the other hand, prefer to meditate and focus in the moment, accepting what each experience offers, knowing that everything is impermanent. 

Marketing: Sometimes I would like to be like you: stop, contemplate and just be, but day to day life doesn't allow me. You know, in my world everything is for now. Too many actors: customers, suppliers, institutions... stakeholders on all sides and each of them with their own particular touch. I have to think about all of them and satisfy them.

The differences between Mindfulness and Marketing are sharpened, but in an instant the magic of the connection emerges. 

Mindfulness: As I like to be aware and accept the experience as it is, I will try to remove biases. We are empathetic, we listen to the other without prejudice. Mindfulness is living in the present moment, intentionally, without judging the experience, without letting ourselves be carried away by prejudices or mental models. Stopping the autopilot. 

Marketing: Maybe you are right. We are on a date and, by analyzing the situation well, it is possible that the spark may ignite. If I give myself the opportunity to be more aware of the moment, there may be a chance to discover a real interest in what really matters. And that's marketing. I'm going to listen to you with complete attention. I'm not losing anything by trying, am I? 

Mindfulness: How cool! That's what I call beginner's mind. To live the experience without barriers or prejudices, willing to investigate the experience with empathy. Do you know that questioning our beliefs allows us to see a new world?  

Marketing: Thank you! It is not easy for me to stand in a world of vertigo, but I know how to detect opportunities and I think a very nice one is going to happen here.  

Mindfulness: From my perspective, one enjoys relationships, experiences and even meals more if we can experience them fully. Without rushing, without running, being aware of the other person is, of fully comprehending the significance of the product, of all the flavors, smells and textures of a meal... That's what I call living fully. If I am with my family, I am with my family and not thinking about other past or future experiences... And if I am enjoying a good wine, I am not thinking about the beer I will drink later at dinner.  

Marketing: Phew! But what I love is generating desire for things we don't have; making people dream about new experiences, encouraging them to buy them. Almost without thinking: we're talking about impulse sales... is that what you call "autopilot"? I don't know if we are going to be able to coexist... You propose detachment and awareness; I propose creating new products and services and making people crave them. 

Mindfulness: The truth is yes! It seems like a dilemma: either one or the other.  

Marketing: We could also approach it as a paradox: one or the other. You don't have to choose, but perhaps integrate. Do you think it would work?

And, finally, the two were one: Mindfulness Marketing.

Mindfulness: The truth is that we need to create new products and services. And we need to make them known to the public.  

Marketing: It is also true that if we let ourselves be carried away by consumerism -produce, sell and consume without conscience-, the sustainability of the planet is unfeasible both, because of ecological issues and because of the growing social disparities in the world. 

Mindfulness: That's right, for example, we eat more than we need. At least in Western countries, and that contributes to cause many diseases such as obesity or diabetes. Not to mention the pollution caused by plastics, CO2? 

Marketing: From marketing we can contribute, and we already do, to educate consumers and develop a more responsible consumption. 

Mindfulness: And from mindfulness we can also teach consumers to be more responsible: to buy consciously and not impulsively, attachments or fears; to consume more consciously, living the experience of the moment with fulfillment. 

Marketing: Perhaps we are on the verge of opening a new integrating approach. Conscious consumption. Yes, we can call this mindful marketing. Integrating the paradox instead of separating us by the dilemma. 

Mindfulness: I love to see that you marketers are always coming up with catchy names for new concepts. It sounds so interesting and we can learn so much from this perspective. 

Marketing: Together, as one, everything takes on a more human meaning. You know what? I'd love to keep getting to know you. 

Mindfulness: Me too! 



Carlos González Alonso y Francisco Torreblanca 

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