Marketing In Situations of Risk (II) Pasar al contenido principal
Marketing In Situations of Risk (II)

Marketing In Situations of Risk (II)

Marketing y Comunicación | Artículo
  • Visitas
  • Febrero 2020
Francisco Torreblanca

Francisco Torreblanca

Profesor de Marketing en ESIC y en Esumer (Colombia). Licenciado en Economía; Máster en Dirección de Marketing y Diplomado en Pedagogía y Didáctica de la Educación Superior. Director de Sinaia Marketing. Premio al Mejor Blog de Marketing en español 2014.

How some industries are modifying their work model to adapt to the current scenario.

These exceptional times which we are experiencing is producing previously inconceivable situations in record time.

Some companies in the industrial sector are making extremely important decisions, of both the productive and social kinds. These decisions are generating a significant impact, above all in the short term, and project their influence at other levels.

Aware of the gravity of the situation, many enterprises have reoriented their production to give real, tangible solutions, showing an admirable capacity for adaptability and ingenuity.

Knowing that the end consumer is only thinking of staple products, companies which produce other types of product have opted to serve society. It is interesting to highlight that it is easy to instantly spot those which do so sincerely and transparently and those which do not.

I am struck by how, surprisingly, some companies have been able to create something valuable for a unique time of need in our lives.

Examples of companies committed to this exceptional situation

There are a diverse number of brands which are opting for temporary reinvention with the objective of helping. Some examples of these are as follows:

  • Fama Sofás (Yecla, Murcia)

It is one of the principle companies in the furniture sector, in a city where this product is a philosophy of life. Its commercial activity has been reoriented, and has dedicated all of its sewing machines to the production of face masks.

Without doubt, the effort and dedication of all of its staff is key in carrying out something which, in a normal situation, would be utopian. Even they themselves come up with these initiatives, something which is instrumental in this outcome.

In record time a prototype is designed, validated and a transformation initiated, which begins with hygienic work in the sewing department: a moving way to accept a social cause.

They are incredibly valuable grains of sand amongst the immensity of problems and pain we are experiencing. And they are crucial. Unconditional action, the breaking down of barriers and the acceptance of reality without complaint are variables which are essential in these times.

  • Callaghan (Arnedo, La Rioja)

This family shoe business, of which I am a fan by the way, has also adapted its design, cutting and crafting teams to the production of face masks. Its objective is to protect health workers who are treating the sick in this pandemic.

In the same way, the commitment of the people who work in the company has allowed the incredible to become reality.

  • González Byass (Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz)

One of the largest winemakers in the world has made its technical resources and all of its production teams available to the authorities to produce and supply sanitary alcohol and hydroalcoholic gel.

  • Renault Spain (Castilla y León)

From an initiative by its employees, the factory has launched into the production of urgent sanitary material by means of 3D, under the slogan “Renault to the Rescue”.

Face masks are being produced thanks to the printers provided by the company.

  • Hotels in Madrid

At the moment, the worst affected area in the country is Madrid. Various hotel chains in the city have made their facilities available to the authorities to be turned into temporary hospitals.

Room Mate, Grupo Palladium or Marriott, amongst others, are included in this initiative in a collaborative spirit of solidarity.

  • AITEX, The Institute of Textile Technology (Alcoy, Alicante)

The input of this organisation is important, which is working on the standardisation of fabrics and materials with the objective being that companies within the Valencian Community which have offered to do so can produce face masks.

Other considerations of interest

I hope all of this effort will remain in the collective memory as something of value, which will help us to remember those who were helping and supporting in such complicated times.

Not only are large or medium enterprises participating, but also small businesses, workshops and shops are providing their own grain of sand. Every little helps.

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