What is the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) methodology? | ESIC Pasar al contenido principal

What is the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) methodology?

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_ESIC Business & Marketing School

_ESIC Business & Marketing School

ESIC Business & Marketing School.

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a method for guiding a large enterprise specializing in lean and agile project development. This method values personal roles and tasks, project management, and positive corporate synergy above all in order to ensure a stable and efficient work environment. Many up and coming companies come across the same issue: business is going well, but they cannot keep up with the growth of the software development needed to maintain it. SAFe employs 9 essential principles that will guarantee a secure and expansive software development cycle.  



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Principles of SAFe: 


Take an economic view 

Delays and setbacks are inevitable. Economic changes in industries come and go as if in a flash. That is why SAFe requires developers to take their time and value quality over quantity. It also recommends creating specific teams and divisions ready for any economic setbacks.  


Apply systems thinking 

Viewing things individually may be conducive to a small business, but once it starts to grow, generating a methodology of systems thinking, which allows individuals within the software development team the ability to gain perspective for solutions on current issues, deadlines, and even customer experiences.  


Assume variability; preserve options 

With software development, nothing is more true than the idea that anything can happen at any time. With this in mind, implementing a set-based design would allow developers to plan ahead and create goals for themselves as well as the entire team as a whole. With more time and freedom to make inevitable changes, this type of timeframe allows for precision   


Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles 

Developers are able to learn something new every day. With this in mind, it is important to keep them updated on current states of development itself as well as any other aspects related to the development process. Integrating checkpoints within deadlines for learning and teaching would allow developers to remain up to date on any and all information required to maintain a stable development.  


Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems 

Web development can at times be mutually exclusive, meaning anything being applied in one company can oftentimes be a good example for other companies. Stakeholders and parent companies are great places to look into help in certain areas of development.  


Set goals, smaller groups and teams, and determine appropriate deadlines 

“Slow and steady wins the race” is a commonplace expression but is also a perfect representation of this SAFe principle. Along with longer development cycles, limiting the amount of necessary output would prove beneficial to struggling development teams. In addition, avoiding large teams and overlapping jobs is imperative.  


Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning 

A good development team can bounce between cyclic processes as well as short bursts of consistent output. Allowing for these types of workflow to balance each other out allow teams to feel as though they are part of a bigger machine, thus increasing productivity   


Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers 

Showing teams to guide themselves and learn new things from their leaders allows them to work productively. However, this must be done through the help of leadership having a much more liniment and less controlling set of demands and expectations.  


Decentralize decision making 

Allowing teams to come up with solutions and projects as a group is much more beneficial than only one figurehead doing it alone. That is why not restricting the flow of ideas to one source is a major concept in SAFe.  


Why use SAFe methodology? 

SAFe is specifically designed to allow team members to have a decisive flow in their work. Much of the values embraced here are those of consistent, yet not grueling or expansive amounts of work. With its focus on team based structures and a comfortable work space, it ensures that any idea is heard. This allows for a content and productive set of teams that are ready to tackle any and all obstacles they may face. It all depends, however, on whether team leaders are willing to allow that kind of movement and traversal of knowledge within their web development teams.  


We recommend that you keep updating yourself on the latest trends and acquire the right knowledge. I invite you to look closely at the Máster en Gestión de Proyectos y Metodologías Ágiles


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