6 examples of critical thinking | ESIC Pasar al contenido principal

Critical thinking: what does it mean and what are its five main skills?

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_ESIC Business & Marketing School

_ESIC Business & Marketing School

ESIC Business & Marketing School.

What does critical thinking mean?

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they must face certain challenges that are completely unfamiliar to them. In cases like these, it is extremely important to use critical thinking in order to best evaluate the current situation. Critical thinking is the ability to remain calm and assess a problem completely and use all of the available resources. Many consider critical thinking as a thorough process that includes collecting information, asking questions, and examining the best solution.


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5 examples of critical thinking skills

We explore five critical thinking skills and why they are so important in our day-to-day basis:

  1. Observing
  2. Inferring
  3. Analyzing
  4. Communicating
  5. Problem solving


1. Observing

Calmness is key when thinking critically about a certain issue or problem. Going hand in hand with that is observations, which can only be done with a level head and patience. In doing this, a person can get a firmer grasp on the present situation and understand why it is a problem and what must be done not only to fix it at the moment, but to avoid that same problem in the future as well. People who observe things carefully and calmly are able to rapidly sense and pinpoint any incoming issue. Paying close attention to all information given and seen is the best way to observe things best.


2. Inferring


When collecting information, meaning during the process of gathering information, one cannot help but make conclusions or assumptions about how things may go or are currently going. This is inferred based on information, and it is necessary to be able to think critically. The only thing required to infer something is prior knowledge of the subject at hand. An inference is basically making an educated guess based on limited information. An educated guess is always better than a rushed conclusion, and that is why critical thinking requires this seemingly unnecessary step.


3. Analyzing


The moment a problem is identified, analyzing and being able to process information is imperative. A much deeper process than simply inferring, analysis is diluting the facts and data to the most essential components in order to evaluate things at a little less surface level. It may be similar to inferring in that it requires a general understanding of the facts presented, but it often has a more fact based conclusion. Examples of ways to analyze include unbiased research, as well as trying to find objective meanings to things instead of subjective ones where emotions and feelings can get in the way.


4. Communicating


When it comes to actually assessing all the information given and trying to come up with solutions, having a good team around and people for support can make all the difference. This is a way to discuss all the details and come to unified answers to the various questions. Disagreeing about a topic may come up, but it is necessary in the realm of discourse and evaluating all the possible outcomes of a solution. In disagreeing, maybe an even better solution could come up by allowing both ideas to mesh and create one excellent unified solution.


5. Problem solving


Ultimately what most consider to be the most important aspect of critical thinking, problem solving comes once all the other aspects have been covered. All the information has been evaluated by all agreeing partners and now it is time to finally come up with a solution. Problem solving requires a focused mind on whether the solution created is the best one for the ultimate goal. Having more knowledge about potential problems that could arise may be the most effective tool in a business person's arsenal, as it is the best way to come up with solutions and accurately think critically.


We recommend that you continue updating yourself on the latest trends and acquire the right knowledge about critical thinking skills. We invite you to take a look at our Master in Marketing Management.

  • Fecha de publicación
  • Febrero 2023
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