The cleverness of SMEs in turbulent times Pasar al contenido principal
The cleverness of SMEs in turbulent times

The cleverness of SMEs in turbulent times

Comercial y Ventas | Artículo
  • Visitas
  • Enero 2020
Francisco Torreblanca

Francisco Torreblanca

Profesor de Marketing en ESIC y en Esumer (Colombia). Licenciado en Economía; Máster en Dirección de Marketing y Diplomado en Pedagogía y Didáctica de la Educación Superior. Director de Sinaia Marketing. Premio al Mejor Blog de Marketing en español 2014.


How some small businesses and self-employed traders propose creative solutions in uncertain times

In times of disbelief, when we are moved by everything that we thought was established, a capacity of the human called creativity resurfaces.

The survival instinct can make us create implausible proposals that work or we can fall into a total blockade. It all depends on the particular situation of each case.

In this article we highlight four proposals that have caught our attention because of their spontaneity, speed and approach:

 Elide Wellness Center (Tecla, Murcia)

This little gym, active and non-conformist, has created something really interesting. Every day they do a WOD (Workout of the Day). This is a mini workout that is uploaded to the website and is always available. So far, nothing strange.

The really original thing is that every day, at 12 o'clock in the day, they participate live through the Instagram Stories platform in a specific class. This class is ephemeral, because if you don't participate live or during the 24 hours it is available, you miss it.

That's how it is under normal conditions, that is, when we could go to the gym if you didn't go to a specific class, you missed it. Now it's the same thing.

Why do I like this approach so much? Because it plays on three fundamental variables of today's marketing: the sense of urgency (only available 24 hours), the sense of scarcity (only one specific class each day) and peer pressure (others may be doing it and I may miss it). I love it!

In addition, at Elide Wellness Center they have achieved something else great: keeping the promise they determined in their mission: "To improve the quality of life of the people of Yecla through fun and exercise".

And it doesn't stop there. I am convinced that they will succeed in going beyond the limits of their vision: "To be the reference fitness centre and the most loved one in the city of Yecla".

Now, with this initiative, their classes can be seen anywhere in the world.

Featured platform: Instagram

Onda Municipal Market (Castellón)

Several stalls in this market have joined so that customers can order online from their homes.

Thanks to two platforms, WhatsApp and Bizum, customers can access products from the fruit and vegetable, fish and meat markets, among others.

The initiative has attracted the attention of another trade association in the city, which has also launched something similar with other shops.

Platform Spotlight: WhatsApp and Bizum

Ocean Rock Bar (Madrid)

This bar with a university atmosphere located in the Malasaña district of Madrid has proposed a website where they sell drinks in advance for when we can return to normal.

I don't know if the initiative will work, but I applaud that they have taken the step, as in one way or another this attempt to "attract attention" effect can generate a good memory.

By the way, don't miss their featured tweet on their Twitter profile (@oceanrockbar)

Featured platforms: Web and Twitter

Llibreries Obertes (Catalonia, Valencian Community and Balearic Islands)

Its aim is to support small bookshops in neighbourhoods or villages that are having a hard time.

Thanks to a website that brings together several of them, with references to books published in 2019 and 2020, it proposes an advance sale to be collected from the chosen bookstore once the confinement is over.

This is a commitment to this segment, which is also being significantly affected.

Featured platforms: Web


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