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effective communication, examples of effective communication

5 key examples of effective communication

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  • August 2024
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  • August 2024
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_ESIC Business & Marketing School

_ESIC Business & Marketing School

ESIC Business & Marketing School.

Communication is necessary in all areas of life, whether at home or at work. It is important to express information, ideas and emotions in such a way that other people can understand them. The main objective is to ensure that individuals understand each other and are able to cooperate.  

Below we will present five examples of how you can enhance your abilities for effective communication. Additionally, we would like to suggest ESIC Business School’s Executive MBA (EMBA) as an ideal option for those who want to improve their business communication skills and leadership qualities. 


Would you like to study our Executive MBA? Access for more information.

What does effective communication entail? 

Effective communication refers to sending messages with the aim of making them clear to the receiver. This can be done through verbal or nonverbal methods such as written words, body language, facial expressions and tone, among others, used by an individual when passing information to another person. In this case, the goal is not only about getting messages across but also ensuring that they are understood correctly so as to avoid misinterpretations which might strain relationships. 

1. Energetic perception 

Listening actively is an important part of communication. It involves paying full attention to the speaker, comprehending what they are saying, responding thoughtfully and remembering what was said. This approach makes the speaker feel listened to and valued too. At the workplace, active listening can promote team collaboration as well as trust between colleagues. 

2. Lucid and brief messaging 

Being clear and concise in your message is one way of achieving effective communication. This can be done by avoiding jargon or complex words and using simple language that will enable the recipient to understand you easily without taking much time.  

Even so, in a business setup during meetings, for instance, information should be presented in a clear and brief manner so that no confusion may arise, which could hinder a good decision-making process. 

3. Non-verbal communication 

Messages can be communicated through nonverbal communication. This may involve sign language, posture, eye-contact or even facial expressions, which all have the capacity to change how a message is perceived.  

For instance, when someone looks directly into another person’s eyes while they are talking to them, it shows that the speaker acknowledges what they are saying and therefore creates more interest on their side of the conversation. Also, sitting with one’s arms open or standing with them may make people seem more approachable or trustworthy. 

4. Constructive feedback 

One way of effective communication is giving constructive feedback. This means providing specific recommendations for future actions aimed at enhancing performance or behavior. The best helpful advice should sound supportive rather than critical; it should focus on what was done wrong instead of who did it. Such an approach sets a good working atmosphere and triggers personal growth. 

5. Sympathy and emotional comprehension 

Good communication requires compassion and emotional understanding. Healthier relationships can be developed and social interactions may be enhanced if one recognizes or acknowledges the emotions of others. When leading a team, empathy can boost morale among staff, which could lead to higher employee participation levels. 

Advantages of effective communication 

There is a lot to gain from successful communication. These are just some: 

  • Stronger bonds: trust is built when we share information with others, be it in our personal lives or at work. 

  • More cohesion in teams: people are more likely to cooperate if they can comprehend each other easily. 

  • Higher efficiency: giving clear instructions and offering feedback on tasks helps avoid errors caused by misunderstandings, thus leading to faster completion of tasks. 

  • Quicker conflict resolution: when people have good communication skills, problems get solved quickly, since they allow the parties involved to reach a consensus faster without bitterness or rage. 

If you are interested in delving deeper into analytical skills how to improve your negotiation skills, we encourage you to learn more about our Executive MBA.

ESIC University’s EMBA program is for professionals who wish to enhance their leadership skills and business communication abilities. This program has a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of business, such as strategic management, marketing and finance among others. Also, the EMBA is designed for experienced persons in their career development journey towards managerial positions. 

What sets ESIC University’s EMBA apart is its hands-on nature, with tutors who are industry practitioners and so on. So, students do real projects or learn through case studies that help them network and thus understand how to cope with the complexity involved in doing business today. In fact, anyone who studies this course will gain the necessary skills to enable them to run organizations at higher levels of management where they would otherwise fail without it.  

  • Fecha de publicación
  • August 2024
  • Business
  • Artículo
  • Autor

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