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  1. InternacionalArtículo

    What is a TIE card and is it necessary to study in Spain?

  2. InternacionalArtículo

    What is a TIE card and is it necessary to study in Spain?

  3. InternacionalArtículo

     What  are  the  best  banks  in  Spain  for international students? Making the move to Spain can seem like a daunting task, especially as an international student. A newplace implies not knowing anything about it and having to be quick on your feet. Luckily, the internet is agreat   resource   to   find   the   best   options   for   banking   in   Spain.   There   are   many   options   available   forinternational students to feel comfortable and safe in their international banking options.

  4. InternacionalArtículo

    The requirements to study abroad in Spain are generally not the most difficult to fully meet. Non-European students may find some trouble gathering all that they need and finding information on the best choice for them, but European students can rest easy knowing that their process will be much faster and easier than anyone else. There is a reason so many students choose to study abroad in Spain, and it’s not just the beauty and the culture, but the accessibility to European students as well. 

  5. InternacionalArtículo

    Homologation is when a student essentially transfers their educational achievements for recognition in a different country. If a student has a high school diploma, for instance, they can choose to homologate it and make it valid in Spain. There is also the option for partial validation, which is for students who are already abroad and wish to continue their studies in Spain. The validation is for all the years completed, so any completed in Spain or any other country must also be homologated for recognition in Spain. 

  6. InternacionalArtículo

    With Spain becoming one of the most prolific countries, especially in Europe, for international students to flock to, there are many things that students need to keep in mind if they want to make the decision to study there. With that being said, one of the main requirements for a student seeking a Spanish visa is to show proof of insurance to receive the visa. Unless the student intends on staying for a temporary period of 90 days or less, in which case any other private or travel insurance would probably suffice. 

  7. InternacionalArtículo

    NIE stands for Número de Identidad de Extranjero. For those less familiar with the Spanish language, that basically means that it is a number that identifies a foreign visitor and gives them a number for identification. The NIE is needed for anyone who plans to stay in Spain for an extended period of time and wants to open a bank account or start working in the country. It is also necessary to purchase big things like properties and businesses as well, but it is very important for international students to get one for their longer stay in the country  

  8. InternacionalArtículo

    To answer the question very directly: yes, it is totally allowed to get a job in Spain with only a student visa. However, there are a few contingencies and specifications to keep in mind. For starters, a student visa only allows a student to work for 30 hours within a week. It would be important to note that if one wants to get a new card issued after August 2022, then the foreigner must prove that their job is compatible with their studies. 

  9. InternacionalArtículo

    Are you looking for an exciting and enriching educational experience this summer? Look no further than ESIC University's summer programs! Our one-week courses offer students the opportunity to study abroad in Europe, learn about new cultures, and gain valuable academic credit. With a range of courses available from Blockchain to NFTS, Why Do Things Happen? Understanding the World through a Cultural Perspective, and Marketing Simulator, there is something for everyone. Why Choose ESIC University's Summer Programs?

  10. InternacionalArtículo

    Valencia is Spain’s third largest city and one of the ones that is filled with the richest history and most varied cultures. Like many other cities in Spain, Valencia is growing each year with other students, making it a prime destination for any incoming students looking for a new place to check out. Valencia’s inviting nature is a great way for any student to accommodate themselves in a smooth and effortless manner. While a good education is important, students today are looking for more. A place to relax and maybe even learn something new in the process. 


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