Our culture of continuous improvement is present in all of ESIC's daily activities and in all of the people that make up the school: students, teachers, support staff... A culture that is articulated by Quality Committees and that emphasizes:


Teamwork and participation by all

Live procedures

Internal audits by processes, not people

Leadership from management
Statement of Intent
At ESIC we want to train people towards excellence through an academic offer differentiated by serving as a link between companies and people.
In our desire to improve, ESIC launched a Continuous Improvement Project in 2006 that articulates processes and resources to implement a Quality Policy towards Excellence.
The Improvement Project is part of an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) from ESIC (SGC-ESIC) that establishes how the school uses all resources at its disposal to improve the quality of the programmes, the teachers, the planning and development, and the learning results. It also addresses how to involve the different interest groups (teachers, researchers, students, administrative staff...) in activities such as the design or development of training activities.
In this culture of improvement your opinion matters to us.
Provide us your suggestions or opinions in the virtual mailbox.