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Rethink by ESIC | Búsqueda

  1. Marketing y ComunicaciónArtículo

    Al final del año académico de grado en ESIC Cataluña, hemos organizado la segunda edición del E-Mobility Day ESIC 2022, dedicada de un lado a un reto empresarial en formato de caso y del otro a una jornada conjunta entre alumnos, profesores, marcas y expertos del sector automoción sostenible en España. 

  2. Marketing y ComunicaciónArtículo

    Diversification is, by definition, the ability to expand and include multiple different faucets in one specific venture. The same applies to the diversification strategy in business. It is the ability to introduce a new product, having little to do with previous original products, into a supply chain. This could lead to a higher profit margin and even new investments never before seen within the supply chain. It is a great way to grow a business or company, especially up and coming ones.

  3. TecnologíaArtículo

    When the majority of people hear the text Artificial Intelligence, they tend to think of humans as robots that want to wipe out humanity and become the new, superior race on earth. While there may be some truth to the idea of human-like entities, AI is much less of a science fiction concept. AI is essentially a machine that is designed to mimic human capabilities like thought processing or generating ideas. One way they do this is through machine learning, which is essentially the ability machines have to learn and adapt themselves without any human intervention.

  4. Comercial y VentasArtículo

    Los tratados de libre comercio como impulsores del comercio internacional  El pasado mes de enero entraba en vigor el mayor tratado de libre comercio de la historia: la Asociación Integral Regional de Asia-Pacífico, RCEP por sus siglas en inglés (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership).  

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