LinkedIn Workshop for First Year Students. September 05th | Escuela de Negocios y Centro universitario | ESIC Skip to main content

Are you a social media ace? You dominate TikTok, Instagram and X? Perfect! But do you know the one that can take your career to the next level: LinkedIn.


What is LinkedIn? 

LinkedIn is much more than a social network. It is a space designed exclusively for professional development. Imagine a place where you can: 


  • Connect with experts: Expand your network of contacts and meet influential people in your field of interest: Management, Marketing, Communication, International Business, Digital Business... 
  • Share knowledge: Post relevant content, articles you find interesting and academic achievements (awards, participation in events, Hackathons, challenges, work done in class...). 
  • Search for internships and opportunities: Find internship offers, or start learning what companies are looking for that you would like to work at in your future. 
  • Build your personal brand: Highlight your unique skills, achievements and values. 


LinkedIn is the perfect place to learn, share and grow. Participate in groups, follow thought leaders and stay up to date. 


The course has a duration of three hours and you can choose the day

📅 02, 03, 04, 05 or 06 September ⌚ from 10:00 to 13:00 📍 ESIC Valencia (Avenida Blasco Ibáñez, 55).


If you are here is because you have selected for your LinkedIn course the day :

📅 05 September 2024 


You will learn how to: 

  • Optimize your profile: Create an attractive profile that highlights your skills. 
  • Effective Networking: Discover how to connect with relevant people in Marketing, Management, International Business, Digital Business, Communication, Public Relations .... 
  • Strategic Content: Learn how to publish valuable content and attract the attention of companies you would like to work for in the future. 



  05 de Sep del 2024 | from to
Avenida de Blasco Ibáñez, 55 46021
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