Our current research on the optimization of the digital marketing budget and competition effects in the adjustment of digital inbound marketing techniques, developed within our research lab CICDMT, reveals some interesting results for data-driven marketing management which we want to share with you. References: Erdmann, A., & Ponzoa, J.M. (2021). Digital inbound marketing: Measuring the economic performance of grocery e-commerce in Europe and the USA.
¿Cuál es la situación de las empresas en este nuevo escenario de la pandemia? ¿Cuál es la situación real que están viviendo las empresas ahora?
Good policymaking stems from evidence-based ideas, not random choices. Thus, think tanks do carry out a major role as social actors, providing reports to policymakers, institutions, media, and even universities for the introduction and discussion of public policies. Their active presence, however, is still unknown to many.
Descubre más sobre los retos en aprendizaje e innovación con D. Peter Boland, profesor de ESIC experto en Innovación, y Ángel Barbero Paniagua, director de Estrategia e Innovación en Nateevo. ¡Descárgate ya la infografía!