Bankinter’s CEO, defends training, humility and exemplarity in order to reach professional success

ESIC Business & Marketing School held the Graduation Ceremony for the Postgraduate Programmes Course 2014-2015 in the Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid (Campo de las Naciones). Mª Dolores Dancausa, Bankinter’s CEO, supported more than 700 students from more than 20 different nationalities belonging to the various Masters programmes of the business school. She invited them to look optimistically at the present and the future in a period in which society is transforming.
“Face the future with optimism, believing in your abilities and aptitudes”.
During this event, which welcomed more than 2,000 people, Dancausa invited postgraduate students to fight with effort and enthusiasm in order to reach professional and personal success. “Throughout my experience, I have learnt, among other things, that the most important things in a business are teamwork, effort, well focused ambition and, first of all, exemplarity and positivism”. And added, “there will never be a more valuable way to reach professional success than training continuously and fighting for what really makes you happy”. Furthermore, Dancausa advised recently graduated students to: “face the future with optimism, believing in your abilities and aptitudes”. Bankinter’s CEO finished her presentation highlighting, which in her view are the five foundations for professional success ”effort , self-demandingness, teamwork, values and humility”.
Eduardo Gómez, ESIC Deputy Director to the General Director, emphasized in this opening speech the necessary and essential collaboration between the University and the Business as a guarantee of progress in society. Gómez outlined that the graduation ceremony represents a new step to reach in students’ professional future.
Eduardo Gómez, ESIC Deputy Director to the General Director, emphasized in this opening speech the necessary and essential collaboration between the University and the Business as a guarantee of progress in society.
Meanwhile, Laura Navarro García, Master in Communication and Advertising (MPC) student and a representative of graduated students, presented a commemorative plaque to Mª Dolores Dancausa, Bankinter’s CEO and patroness of 2014-2015 Promotion. She addressed a moving speech to the attendants with whom she wanted to share “the culmination of a great journey, full of sacrifices towards an only destination, to be better people and professionals”.

Laura Navarro García, presented a commemorative plaque to Mª Dolores Dancausa.
Simón Reyes Martínez Córdova, ESIC General Director, closed the academic ceremony outlining that our current society needs now, more than ever, good managers and that economy cannot turn its back on ethics. “That is the only way to build a more thriving and fairer society”.
Simón Reyes Martínez Córdova, ESIC General Director, closed the academic ceremony.
Several renowned people from the academic, entrepreneurial and economic worlds attended the event. José Mª Álvarez del Manzano López del Hierro, former mayor of Madrid and member of the Advisory Council of ESIC; Ignacio Izquierdo Saugar, CEO of AVIVA; Manuel Guerrero Pemán, president of Novobanco; Eduardo Montes Pérez, president of Unesa; Jesús Díaz de la Hoz, president of Fundación PWC; Borja Puig de la Bellacasa Aguirre, CEO of Bassat Ogilvy Comunicación; David Laguna Madrazo, Universities Area Manager; Ignacio Bayón Mariné, president of Automóviles Citröen; Eusebio Martinez de la Casa Gonzalez, founder and President of Recircula; Francisco José Blanco Jiménez, director of Centro de Estudios de Economía de Madrid and director of Entrepreneurship of Rey Juan Carlos University and Miguel Ángel Galindo Martín, director of ANECA.
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