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The main objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing is to train participants to perform management, advisory and evaluation tasks in production and service organizations. These tasks can be carried out in the global sphere of the organizations or in any of its functional areas.

Upon completion, participants will be able to bring together all the functional areas of a company to fulfil the general objectives of their production unit within the global economic context, and work to promote good operation and improved results. Specifically, they will be able to identify and anticipate opportunities, allocate resources, organize information, select and motivate people, make decisions, reach the set goals and evaluate results. The teaching structure includes a strong focus on marketing and it is geared towards providing students with the necessary knowledge and experience in order to fulfil any management function in order to perform successfully at all levels.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing provides participants with knowledge aimed at:

  • Studying several types of organizations andtheir management processes.
  • Analyzing the national and international environment where these organizationsare located.
  • Learning, through theoretical and practical training sessions, about business management, marketing, andpersonal development.
  • Acquiring the social and personal values that are fundamental in today’s society.
  • Developing general capabilities to be used in a wide range of organizations; not only tothose related to business.

Program goals

In order to face and solve complex challenges in an increasingly globalized business and marketing environment, the following goals areestablished for the participantsenrolled in the program:

  1. To acquire deep knowledge about different organizations that structure oursocial, political, and economic life.Participants will learn the nature of these organizations, their composition, management, and size, while considering their different types (public organizations, private companies, and NGOs), and studying the changes that are constantly happening in the market where they operate.
  2. To develop useful knowledge and business capabilities in order to assume responsibility roles in the mentioned organizations, as well as to promote a positive and critical thinking that leads to create new business initiatives. For this, participants will be required to acquire deep knowledge in areas related to the management of teams, clients and resources, mathematical and statistical techniques, finance, market research, operation and production management, business policy and strategy, andinformation and control systems.
  3. To understand personal development as a vital aspect to receive and take advantage of the program’s comprehensive training. This degree promotes social responsibility and human and ethical valuesto achieve a peaceful coexistence in society.

Learning Methodology:

In this context, the teaching in the program is based on student-centered learning guided by educators, tutors, and mentors to understand, practice, reflect, and apply both subject-specific knowledge and transferable skills. This aims to create a virtuous cycle of action-feedback-analysis-action for participants. Teaching in the program will have a professional orientation grounded in academic management concepts. Participants need to be able to relate these concepts to the business environment.

Participants will receive general instructions about how to identify, find and use the resources found in libraries and other databases, as well as a methodological guide to elaborate the Final Project, which must be handed in on the 4th year.

During the four years that takes to complete the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, participants will progressively receive theoretical and practical knowledge about business administration and accounting, teamworktechniques and other activities that will take place in properly equipped classrooms.

In addition, to promote the integration of participants in the marketplace, the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing is focused on meeting the demands of today’s business and marketing world, which will help participants to be in permanent contact with the current job market. This will be done through internships opportunities provided bythe ESIC’s Professional Development Center (which includes the Internship Opportunities and Career Advise departments), conferences and work sessions led by businessmen and women that are specialists in marketing.


Basic Capabilities:

CB1 Participants must prove to have acquired and understood the knowledge found in advanced and specific text books,with the intention to expand what they have learned in previous studies.

CB2 Participantsmust be able to apply this knowledge in their professional life and to developcertain capabilities to solve the case studiespresentedduring the degree.

CB3 Participantsmust be able to collect and interpret relevant data in order to make accurate judgement and reflections about relevant social, scientific, and ethical issues.

CB4 Participantsmust be able to communicate information, ideas, and problem-solving techniques to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

CB5 Participantsmust develop the learning capabilities that are needed to undertake further studies with a considerable degree of autonomy.

General Capabilities:

CG1 Ability to analyse and synthesise: analyse, synthesise, assess and make decisions based on relevant information registers and foresee the growth of a company.

CG2 Capacity for organization, planning and problem solving in a company, identifying its strengths and weaknesses.

CG3 Oral and written communication in the native language: understand and be able to communicate correctly in Spanish in different working scenarios.

CG4 Oral and written communication in a foreign language: Ability to understand and communicate in economic and business contexts, in English.

CG5 Computer skills related to the field of study.

CG6 Ability to analyse, search and select relevant information from different sources.

CG7 Work in an interdisciplinary team, in an international and global context, in diverse and multicultural environments.

CG8 Leadership, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit focusing on equality.

CG9 Critical thinking and ethical commitment to work.

Specific Competencies:

CE1 Managing the sales area in a company or organization, after considering its competitive and institutional placement, and its strengths and weaknesses.

CE2 Managing the marketing area in a company or organization, and correctly developing the management functions required.

CE3 Using relevant reports and information to assess the present and future situation of a company, specifically within the marketing and market research area.

CE4 Issuing consulting reports about specific companies and markets situations.

CE5 Drafting projects of global management or business functional areas related to marketing and market research.

CE6 Understanding the historical, legal, and economic impact of the company, specially within the national and international marketing sector.

CE7 Learning and applying fundamental concepts that are related to the legal system that affects the market, the company and its decisions.

CE8 Being able to select and control software that is used for business diagnosis and analysis, as well as applying this software to the management of marketing projects in a company.

CE9 Ability to make decisions related to trade variables.

CE10 Capability to carry out strategic marketing plans.

CE11 Being able to correctly identify and analyze, with a marketing perspective, the factors that influence consumer behavior.

CE12 Knowing and developing the process of Sales Research.

CE13 Being capable of making marketing-related decisions in specific business sectors.

CE14 Understanding the role and relevance that marketing integrated communication represents.

CE15 Ability to design and implement a marketing plan.

CE16 Being able to select and use the correct software to solve sales-related problems.

CE17 Identifying the problems related to the management of distribution channels and the organizations that shape the sales system.

CE18 Ability to manage and coordinate the sales areaat any organization.

CE19 Ability to apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired during the degreeencouraged by teamwork projects and the development of professional marketing and market research skills.

CE20 Ability to develop and present a businessand marketing plan.

Students enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree in Marketing will be governed by the following internal ESIC regulations.

The subjects of the Degree are listed below.

*Students enrolled in the Bachelor´s Degree in Marketing will in turn receive Diploma in Profesional Skills or Diploma in Tools and Multimedia from ESIC Universidad, granting 48 additional credits to those already obtained in the syllabus.

Semester Subject ECTS Type Faculty
1 Marketing and Interpersonal Communication Techniques 6 BT López Vázquez, Belén
1 Introduction to Corporations 6 BT García Muñoz, César
Muhammad, Azeem
1 Mathematics Applied to Marketing 6 COM Erdmann, Anett
Navarro Mohino, Jaime
1 Economic and Marketing History 6 BT González Santamaría, Ana Isabel
Ryan, Donal
1 Corporate Sociology 6 BT Delbello,Luca
2 Introduction to Marketing 6 COM Suárez Álvarez-Hevia, Paula
2 Computer Science Applied to Marketing 6 BT Llamazares Robles, Fco. Javier
2 Applied Statistics to Marketing 6 COM Makeienko, Maryna
Navarro Mohino, Jaime
2 Civil Law 6 BT Carrillo de Albornoz Braojos, Íñigo
2 History of the Commercial Culture and Society 6 BT Benito Lázaro, Estefania Alba

total official credits: 60

** Type:
BT: Basic Training
COM: Compulsory
Semester Subject ECTS Type Faculty
1 Economics I: Microeconomics 6 BT Martínez Gonzalo, José Mª
1 Economic - Financial Analysis in Marketing I 4,5 COM Navarro Mohino, Jaime
1 Psychology Applied to Marketing 4,5 COM López-Agulló Pérez-Caballero, José Manuel
1 Strategic Management 4,5 COM Muhammad, Azeem
1 Mercantile Law: Legal Regulation of the Market 4,5 COM De Vicente De La Casa, Fernando
1 Modern Language 6 BT Lohan, Rhona
Ortega Larrea, Ana Lucía
Schlosser, Matthew
2 Strategic Marketing 4,5 COM Gómez Olmedo, Ana María
2 Responsibility and Corporate Social Marketing 6 BT Monfort de Bedoya, Abel
Quirós Galdon, Manuel
2 Economics II: Macroeconomics 6 COM Gómez Elvira, Luis Miguel
2 Economic - Financial Analysis in Marketing II 4,5 COM Navarro Mohino, Jaime
2 Decision-Making Methods Applied to Marketing 4,5 COM Toro Dupouy, Luis Felipe
Tragant Espeche, José Francisco
2 Labour and Social Security Law 4,5 COM Barberá González, Rafael

total official credits: 60

BT: Basic Training
COM: Compulsory
Semester Subject ECTS Type Faculty
1 Communication Policy and Digital Advertising 6 COM Barberá González, Rafael
1 Consumer Behaviour 4,5 COM López Martínez, Tomás
Vega de la Faya, Óscar
1 Product Policy 6 COM Eizaguirre Diéguez, María
1 Sales Management 4,5 COM del Olmo Arribas, César
1 Market Research I 4,5 COM Ilic, Milos
Toro Dupouy, Luis Felipe
1 Industrial and Services Marketing 4,5 COM Alonso-Cortés Rodríguez, Fernando Antonio
2 Distribution Policy and Ecommerce 6 COM Soria Prados, Fernando
2 Price and Cost Policy 6 COM Erdmann, Anett
2 Market Research II 4,5 COM Ilic, Milos
Navarro Mohino, Jaime
2 Commercial Negotiation Techniques 4,5 COM Centenera Ulecia, Jesús
2 Relational, Direct, and Interactive Marketing 4,5 COM de Pablo Cabrera, Alejandro
Mejía Martí, Javier
2 Applied Information Systems and Data Driven Marketing 4,5 COM Dadrasnia, Ehsan

total official credits: 60

COM: Compulsory
Semester Subject ECTS Type Faculty
1 Marketing Plan 6 COM Alcalde Giraudo, Alberto
1 Academic Recognition of Credits 6 COM López Robles, Juan Carlos
1 Global Marketing and International Trade 6 EL Gómez Funes, Andrés
Navarro Mohino, Jaime
1 Human Resources Management 6 EL *
1 Marketing and Communication Management 6 EL García Chamizo, Fernando
1 Sales Analysis and Forecast 6 EL *
1 Production Management 6 EL


1 Internal Marketing 6 EL *
1 Political Marketing 6 EL *
1 Industry-Specific Marketing 6 EL *
1 Digital Marketing Strategies 6 EL Ilic, Milos
Traba Cabello, Tamara
1 Analytics and Metrics of Digital Marketing   EL *
1 New Trends in Marketing and Sales   EL Vega De La Faya,Oscar
A External Practices 24 OB Paradinas Márquez, Mª del Carmen
A End of Degree Project 6 OB López Robles, Juan Carlos

total official credits: 60

* No teaching in the current academic year.
COM: Compulsory
EL: Elective

Diploma de Habilidades Directivas (Plan 2018)

*El alumnado que cursa el Grado Oficial en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por ESIC Universidad podrá obtener, a su vez, un diploma de especialización en Habilidades Directivas o Herramientas Digitales y Multimedia, cursando 48 créditos adicionales a los ya cursados en el Plan de Estudios.

Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo Profesorado
1 Inglés I 6 PAHE Equipo de ESIC Idiomas
2 Inglés II 3 PAHE Equipo de ESIC Idiomas

total créditos: 12

** Tipo:

PAHE: Créditos para la obtención del Programa de Habilidades de ESIC

Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo Profesorado
1 Inglés III 6 PAHE Equipo ESIC Idiomas
2 Multimedia 3 PAHE Eduardo Segovia Jaquete
Javier Miranda García
2 Antropología 3 PAHE Anacleto Iglesias

total créditos: 12

** Tipo:
PAHE: Créditos para la obtención del Programa de Habilidades de ESIC
Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo
1 Generación de Espacios Digitales 3 PAHE
1 Espíritu Crítico 3 PAHE
2 Pensamiento Social Cristiano 3 PAHE
2 Desarrollo Creativo 3 PAHE

total créditos: 12

** Tipo:
PAHE: Créditos para la obtención del Programa de Habilidades de ESIC
Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo
2 Mindlab 3 PAHE
2 Ética Empresarial 3 PAHE
2 Liderazgo 3 PAHE
2 Mi Huella Digital 3 PAHE

total créditos: 12

** Tipo:
PAHE: Créditos para la obtención del Programa de Habilidades de ESIC

Diploma de Habilidades Directivas (Plan 2013)

* El alumnado que cursa el Grado Oficial en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por ESIC Universidad podrá obtener, a su vez, un diploma de especialización en Habilidades Directivas o Herramientas Digitales y Multimedia, cursando 48 créditos adicionales a los ya cursados en el Plan de Estudios.

Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo** Profesorado
1 Inglés V 3 PAHE Equipo de Idiomas
2 Emprendedores 4,5 PAHE Vicente Arregui

total créditos: 7,5

** Tipo:
PAHE: Créditos para la obtención del Programa de Habilidades de ESIC
Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo** Profesorado
1 Ética empresarial 4,5 PAHE José Mª Juan
2 Creatividad e Innovación 3 PAHE Peter Boland
2 El Ecosistema Digital 3 PAHE Juan Mª González-Anleo
2 Gestión de la Calidad 3 PAHE Alain Marxuach
2 Gestión de Proyectos en Entornos Digitales 3 PAHE Óscar Herranz
2 Liderazgo y Estilos de Dirección 3 PAHE María Vaquero
2 Global Mindset 3 PAHE Jesús Centenera

total créditos: 22,5

** Tipo:
PAHE: Créditos para la obtención del Programa de Habilidades de ESIC

Diploma de Herramientas Digitales y Multimedia

* El alumnado que cursa el Grado Oficial en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por ESIC Universidad podrá obtener, a su vez, un diploma de especialización en Habilidades Directivas o Herramientas Digitales y Multimedia, cursando 48 créditos adicionales a los ya cursados en el Plan de Estudios.

Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo Profesorado
1 Planificación de proyectos: Ms Project 3 DEHDM Óscar Herranz de Aquino
1 Edición Digital de Imagen: Photoshop 3 DEHDM Bosco López García
2 Diseño Vectorial e Infografía: Illustrator 3 DEHDM Bosco López García
2 Narrativa Audiovisual y Edición Vídeo: Premiere 3 DEHDM Fernando García Chamizo

total créditos: 12

DEHDM: Créditos para la obtención del Diploma de Herramientas Digitales y Multimedia
Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo
1 Motion Graphics y 3D: After Effects 3 DEHDM
1 Arquitectura de la Información y UX: Invision, XD, Optimize 360 3 DEHDM
2 Creación Páginas Web: WordPress 3 DEHDM
2 Antropología 3 DEHDM

total créditos: 12

DEHDM: Créditos para la obtención del Diploma de Herramientas Digitales y Multimedia
Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo
1 SEO, SEM y ASO: Google Tools, Semrush, Sistrix 3 DEHDM
1 Creación e-Commerce: Prstashop, Magento 3 DEHDM
2 Auditoría SEO: Screamming Frog, SEO meta in one click 3 DEHDM
2 Pensamiento Social Cristiano 3 DEHDM

total créditos: 12

DEHDM: Créditos para la obtención del Diploma de Herramientas Digitales y Multimedia
Semestre Asignatura Créditos Tipo
1 Visualización Datos en BSS Intelligence: PowerBi, Tableau 3 DEHDM
1 Gestión del Cliente y Community Management: SalesForce 3 DEHDM
2 Ética Empresarial 3 DEHDM
2 Trabajo Fin de Diploma 3 DEHDM

total créditos: 12

DEHDM: Créditos para la obtención del Diploma de Herramientas Digitales y Multimedia

Students who wish to validate and/or adapt subjects taken at other official centres must meet the requirements set by the university for such validations and apply for them at the university secretary's office within the deadlines set in order to process the corresponding request. The credits may be recognised by the University taking into account the adequacy between the competences and knowledge associated with the other subjects taken by the student and those foreseen in the syllabus or which are of a specific nature. The regulations for the recognition and transfer of credits can be consulted here .

The applicable Regulation to ECIS’s Academic Credit Recognition (RAC), can be found here .

Participants who want to enroll in the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing must have graduated from high school, A levels, baccalaureate or equivalent, have passed the University Access Testor any other certificate that qualify them to access university:

To enroll in the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing:

  1. Applicants must have graduated from high school, A levels, baccalaureate or equivalent, or have passed the University Access Test.
  2. ESIC must have an available place for the candidate.

In addition, applicants will have to go through the following on-site activities (at ESIC), as part of the process. Complete the Admission Application and provide the documentation requested in this application.

  • Personal Interview.
  • A Study Case related to the chosen Degree’s field of study.
  • Interview in English.
  • Writing test in English.

As this is a degree, applicants must follow the enrollment instructions determined every year by the Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid and follow it’s established rules and dates.

Once admitted, applicants must complete their enrollment process at ESIC by submitting their University Access Test certificate (original and photocopy).

For more information about participants enrolled in this degree, please see the Annual Reports of the Degree’s Commission (Informes Anuales de Comisión de Titulación)

Admission and grants

Financial issues should not be an obstacle for applicants to achieve their goals and to receive a great education. In this page you will find several options that will help you find financial aid;there are options offered by ESIC and by public and private organizations. For more information about the admission process, or to request an appointment, contact us.

Bank financing

  • ESIC has financing agreements with selected banking institutions to offer preferential conditions to its students. In the Financial Services Office you will find the specific rules and conditions of each of these agreements.


  • ESIC has its own programme of different types of economic scholarships. See conditions HERE.
  • These scholarships should be expressly requested by the pupil within the deadlines of the call and in compliance with all the requirements.

All participants enrolled in a degree have the possibility to access the scholarship and financial aid program offered by the Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación) through the Department of Education (Consejería de Educación).

National scholarships:

  • Ministry of education scholarships and grants. + INFO
  • Scholarships given by the Department of Education. + INFO
  • Sicue-Seneca scholarships and grants (URJC). + INFO

International scholarships:

  • ERASMUS scholarships for students enrolled in the official degrees, which foster and facilitate the student's academic mobility within European Union Member States. + INFO
  • MUNDE-URJC scholarships promote the student's international mobility among universities that do not belong to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). + INFO

Mobility scholarships for international internships

  • FARO GLOBAL scholarships program that fosters internships in companies and organizations located in Europe, United States, Canada and Asian countries. + INFO
  • The ARGO GLOBAL scholarships a mobility program fostered by the Ministry of Education that promotes the academic training of graduates of Spanish universities through internships in international companies. + INFO


  • Undergraduate students are supplied with an education insurance, so that in the event of death of the person that bears the tuition expenses (the insured), the student (the beneficiary) will not go through economic difficulties to continue with his or her studies.

To access the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, candidates must have graduated high school, A levels, baccalaureate or equivalent certificate, or they must have passed the test mentioned in the article 42 of the Ley Orgánica 6/2001, concerning Universities, which was later modified by the Ley 4/2007.

For more information about the Candidate profile, go to Annual Reports of the Degree’s Commission(Informes Anuales de Comisión de Titulación)

The Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing intends to provide participants with organizational capabilities, as well as human, intellectual and technical abilities to face the current constantly-changing business world.

After completing the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, participants will be completely trained to set up their own company or to make managerial decisions within the following areas:

  • Sales Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Communication Management
  • Advertising Management
  • International Marketing Management
  • Sales Planning Management
  • Digital Marketing Management
  • Product & Brand Management

For more information about the student profile achieved after completing this degree:

Mobility of the Degree:

The Vice-Rector's Office for International Relations at ESIC University is ultimately responsible for the design, implementation and monitoring of international academic activities through its two units.

On the one hand, the International Programmes Department coordinates the international academic relations of the University and is responsible for the design of short term programmes (Summer Camps, Summer Courses and Study Tours), and long term programmes (Dual, Double and Joint Degrees) that the University implements to promote the international vision and experience of our students.

On the other hand, the International Relations Office, in charge of the attention to international students, both incoming and outgoing in all these programmes, and especially dedicated to the management and fulfilment of the international mobility processes of the students of our university degrees and master's degrees.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of this Vice-Rector's Office to collaborate actively to promote the construction of a new European area and thus fulfil one of the objectives of the University's general policy. To this end, it provides information and advice to the university community on the different training actions in the international sphere of higher education and manages and develops both international and national student and lecturer mobility programmes. On the University's website, you can find all the information related to mobility in the university environment.

ESIC University actively participates in student mobility programmes both at international and national level and has the ECHE with code Erasmus E MADRID232.

The University, within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), participates in the Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus+ (Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus). Within this programme, agreements have been signed with the best European universities. And ESIC University, in compliance with the new quality assurance criteria required by the European Commission, develops the entire process in the digital environment, through the EWP Platform (Erasmus without Papers). The credit recognition procedure is regulated by the programme regulations, and is based on the signing of academic agreements that bind three parties: the two institutions involved and the students. Credit recognition is automatic, as all institutions participating in the programme use the ECTS system as the academic reference, and quality assurance processes are complied with through the signing of the corresponding learning agreements, which can be consulted at any time through the EWP platform.

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. And for the period 2021-2027, the programme puts particular emphasis on social inclusion, green and digital transitions, and promoting young people's participation in democratic life.

It supports the priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also supports the European Pillar of Social Rights, implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, and develops the European dimension of sport.

ESIC University, taking into consideration the importance of international experience for students, also maintains international academic agreements with higher education institutions outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), developing student mobility programmes outside the Erasmus Programme, through ESIC University's own programmes, Global Terra and Munde.

On the other hand, ESIC Idiomas encourages the study and practice of foreign languages among students, teaching staff and all University staff, as well as among all those of legal age who are interested in learning modern languages. All the programmes of the courses organised by ESIC Idiomas correspond to the guidelines of the levels of linguistic competence set out in the Council of Europe document called: ‘The Common Framework of Reference for Languages’. Therefore, these courses are aimed at:

Improving students' language skills Preparing for official exams Promoting international university mobility.

Students can take advantage of the mobility programmes offered by ESIC University for up to one semester, equivalent to 30 ECTS.

Students must have sufficient knowledge of the language required for the corresponding placement. In this sense, it is an essential requirement to be in possession of and be able to accredit a minimum level of C1 in order to apply for a mobility place.

  Evaluation of mobility actions

Mobility actions have evaluation mechanisms that may differ from one to another. Common to all the programmes, the International Relations Office of ESIC University carries out an exhaustive monitoring of the programme by carrying out surveys to both host and incoming students. In addition, the International Relations Service also organises visits to the universities with which we have an agreement in order to guarantee and evaluate their quality.

With regard to specific mechanisms, the European Union's Erasmus Programme has its own evaluation mechanism, through the analysis and control of some of the programme's beneficiaries chosen from a random sample carried out by the Autonomous Body for European Programmes (external to the University).

In addition, all beneficiaries of mobility actions related to the degree programme answer a questionnaire which is subsequently evaluated by the Quality Assurance Commission. In this way, the proposals of both own students and host students for the revision and improvement of the development of the syllabus are especially valued.

  Credit allocation mechanisms

The degree has two Academic Exchange Managers who are in charge of guaranteeing the credit allocation mechanism.

In the case of the Erasmus+ Programme, as already mentioned, the credit recognition procedure is regulated by the programme's regulations, and is based on the signing of academic agreements that bind three parties: the two institutions involved and the student. Credit recognition is automatic, as all institutions participating in the programme use the ECTS system as the academic reference. In this case, the Teaching Managers are responsible for guiding and helping students to make the right choice of subjects, in coordination with their counterpart in the foreign universities.

In the case of the MUNDE programme, since the external institutions are all outside the ECTS system, the mechanism is also to evaluate the workload in ECTS credits of the external institutions' courses and, on the basis of this evaluation, to determine the correct allocation of credits. This allocation and assessment is also carried out by the Learning Managers. Once the equivalence has been determined, an academic agreement is signed, binding all three parties: the two institutions involved and the student.

  Support mechanisms for mobile students

All information regarding mobility programmes is available on the University's website. In addition, ESIC University has an International Relations Office. This office provides administrative support to students. This support includes information about agreements, grants, insurance, etc. Academic support is provided by the Outgoing Managers, who provide students with information about possible destinations, profiles of the destinations and the suitability of the students to the profiles. Personalised and individualised support and follow-up is also offered to groups in specific conditions as stated in the Erasmus+ Inclusion and Diversion Strategy for the period 2021-2027.

  Mobility grants

All programmes are co-funded by the University. The Erasmus+ Programme has external bodies or institutions that provide additional financial support to students: Ministry of Universities, European Union, Santander Universities and the Community of Madrid.

The MUNDE programme is funded by the University and its beneficiaries are also eligible for grants from Banco Santander.

For more information, please contact the International Office of ESIC University:


As one of the School’s natural links with the business world, ESIC has an in-house internship department. Its function is to incorporate students in companies through activities integrated in their academic schedule so that they can apply their theoretical and practical knowledge, using the management tools and techniques they have been learning throughout their studies. Students’ work experience in companies – along with classroom learning - enables them to gain first-hand experience of how a company works, independently and within its environment. During these internships, ESIC maintains constant communication with the company and the student. Students are given all the technical and social advice they require to best integrate within the company and benefit from their internship.

ESIC is currently connected to more than 8,000 private and public companies that hold student internships; and a growing number of companies are signing up to collaborate every year.

The annual average of internships managed by ESIC’s Campus in Madrid, considering the last three academic years, is more than 2,400. The Internship Opportunities department guarantees that the internships offer is available during the course, and that the amount of internship will be equal or superior to the number of students enrolled.

Participants that are enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing can start applying to internships during the second half of their degree’s academic plan (3rd and 4th year).

The process to access to the internships opportunities begins with the application and register in our School system. This will ensure the applicants the later participation in the selection process.

The content of the training in every internship will be designed in such form, so that they are directly related to the studies that are being taken by the participants. Participants will have the support of ESIC and a tutor assigned by the company in which the internship takes place. Internships’ schedule will always be compatible with the participants’ academic responsibilities at ESIC. All these details will be reflected in the Educational Cooperation Agreement, which is the document that regulates the collaboration between the company, the School, and the student.

The assessment for the recognition of the credits obtained in the internships will be done after considering the curriculum of the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, and its instructions for the matter.

Percentage of participants working in different fields:

A C Nielsen Company, S.L. Agencia EFE, S.A. Alarca Técnica SLP Alten Soluciones De Productos Auditoría E Ingeniería, S.A.U. Años Luz Iluminación De Vanguardia S.L Aryan Comunicaciones S.A.
Asesoramiento Empresarial Eurogestión, S.L Blanco Boomerang Media Canal Salud Global S.L. Carlito Ediciones Musicales, S.L. Centros Comerciales Carrefour, S.A. (Madrid)
Cife Spain Business S.L. Computer Aided Elearning, S.A. Criptotec S.L. (Smid Cloud) Designit Spain Digital S.L. (Dnextep Consulting, S.L.) Deutsche Bank S.A.E. Docol Mediática S.L
Dräger Safety Hispania, S.A. Ediciones Y Estudios.S.L. Engel & Völkers Esic Business & Marketing School Exclama Comunicación Corporativa S.L. General Motors España, S.L.
GFK-Emer Ad Hoc Research S.L Gofluent S.L.U Grupo M.A.E. Marcos De Asesores Empresariales, S.L. Huawei Iberdrola España, S.A. Ikea Ibérica S.A.
In Situ, S.A. Jobs And Talent, S.L. Mapfre España, Compañía De Seguros Y Reaseguros, S.A. Mapfre Global Risks, Compañía Internacional De Seguros Y Reaseguros, S.A. Marina Arcos Mask Comunicación, S.L.
Mediaset España Comunicación, S.A. Mfshow Moda Y Eventos S.L. Mhe Consumer Miele, S.A. Millward Brown Momentum Task Force
Omnicom Media Group Patagonia De Mariscos Y Pescados, S.L. Pedro Barrado Seguros, S.L. Philips Ibérica S.A.U. Philips Lighting España Platos De Ducha Natural
Porsamadrid, S.L. Publicis Comunicación España, S.L. Q-Ing Quint Wellington Redwood Iberia S.L.U. Quum Comunicación, S.A. Reale Seguros Generales
Renault España, S.A. Restaurantes Mcdonalds, S.A.U. Richemont Japan Limited Seinet Group, S.L. Select Service Partner - Ssp España Sistemas De Marcaje Fotonica, S.L.
Smart Digital Advertising S.L Software Nemotec Sony Europe Limited (Sucursal En España) Taller De Radio Target Point S.L. Tbwa España, S.A.
TK Soluciones De Telemarketing, S.L. TlC Marketing Worldwide Iberia S.L. Ubisoft Valassis Communications, S.L Valeo Service España, S.A. Walter W1919 Sl.

For more information on External Academic Internships, see the results here.

Infrastructure and Facilities

The infrastructure available to students is the one the School owns, located in Avd. de Valdenigrales s/n en Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), as well as all the other facilities the School provides its students with in the rest of the head offices in Spain (libraries, newspaper libraries, computer rooms, sports facilities, etc).

Access to facilities complies with the universal accessibility regulations. The entrance has easy access ramps and the buildings have elevators adapted to wheel chairs.

According to special needs and to the access list of Disabled Quota, the Center provides adaptable desks to students with wheel chairs, as well as communication mechanisms for class follow-up for the students with special needs.

The Infrastructure Service is made up of professionals in several sectors whose mains tasks are maintenance and repairs of the equipment and facilities of the entire center.

The School has maintenance contracts with specific providers for the area of office automation.

Below is a list of the infrastructure and facilities of the University that are available to the Degree students.

Theory Classrooms

Of all the ESIC classrooms, there are currently 31 theory classrooms for the degree studies, with sizes oscillating between 47 m2 and 57 m2. All our classrooms have the technical equipment necessary for the correct development of each class (computers, data projector, fixed projector attached to the ceiling, projection screen, etc.).

Additionally, the Languages Department provides 3 classrooms of 45 m2 and 3 Seminar Rooms of 15 m2 approximately.

Moreover, we have extra materials in case of need (laptops, mobile projectors, etc). As well as TV monitors with video, for when necessary.

Computer Science Classrooms

The ESIC-Pozuelo facilities offer 5 computer science rooms, with a total of 205 seats. Each classroom provides the necessary audiovisual material. All the classrooms are equipped with the same audiovisual materials described above, and have the necessary programmes to provide students with the techniques and tools for a good development of the skills that are required by the market.

Seminars Room

Three fully furnished room of 80 m2 are available, as well as 3 rooms of 40 m2, equipped with a teacher desk, multimedia, a projector, Internet connection and suitable furniture arrangement for working in groups.

Working Classrooms

In order for the different work groups to get together, there are, besides the above-mentioned classrooms, four working classrooms of 15 m2 each, with a working desk and the right furniture distribution for teamwork

IT and Internet Connections

There is WIFI in all the premises, free and available to all members of the university community (students, PAS and PDI). Furthermore, all the computers in the classrooms are connected to Internet.


The new ESIC Municipal University Library was inaugurated in September 2013, in a separate building near the School. It offers its services to both ESIC students and students from any other university.

The services are distributed throughout the building in the following way:

Ground Floor

  • Control
  • Online public access catalogue (OPAC) point
  • Computer room: 24 terminals
  • Group work rooms: 6 (4 occupants in each one)
  • Study room: 72 reading stations
  • Newspaper archive

First Floor

  • Online public access catalogue (OPAC) point
  • Reading room (16 places)
  • Group work rooms: 8 (8 occupants in each one)
  • Study room: 72 reading stations
  • Study room: 42 reading stations


The ESIC library has a collection with the following characteristics:

  • A collection of approximately 13.500 volumes specialised in marketing, publicity, economics, businesses, commerce, etc.
  • 200 periodicals specialised in the same materials.


  • General study and reading Room. Free library access previously registering as a user.
  • Group work rooms. Accessible with 24 hour prior booking and it is essential that you are registered as a library user.
  • Access and consultation of library subscribed databases and electronic documents.
  • OPAC consultation: here.
  • Personal loans: 3 books per week.
  • Periodicals and reference consultation.

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm.
  • Saturdays from 10am to 2pm.
  • Extraordinary exam period opening times: From 9am to 7am.

Degree Classrooms

There is a Ceremony Rooms, equipped with all the audiovisual media described for the theory classes. It has 190 m2 and a 200 people capacity.

Reprographic Service

Among the services the School provides, there is a reprographic service, with two options: one run by school personnel and another one with self-service machines that operate with prepaid cards.

Cafeteria and Catering

The School has a cafeteria and a catering service with capacity for 150 seats, which can serve up to 300 daily meals for students, professors, administrative staff and services.

Multimedia Classroom

It has three separate units with a surface area of 52m2. It offers the School’s students facilities and resources where they can work the different multimedia design areas.

The following activities can be carried out in the Multimedia Classroom:

Multimedia Workshop for advanced works.

The Multimedia Classroom has a physical space where students can carry out works with a professional finish in the ambits of video editing, television, radio and graphic design.

Planning for Courses and Seminars.

The Multimedia Classroom will have a permanent programme of highly practical courses that are designed to meet the professional expectations required in today’s market. The courses and seminars will be given by professionals and teachers from the different areas of digital design and production.

Sports Complex

Covering 2.200 m2 and made up of two multi-use courts to practice sports like handball, basketball, indoor football, volleyball, etc. The facilities include showers and toilets.

Outdoor car park

Covering some 9.300 m2 with capacity for some 300 vehicles.


ESIC has a chapel with a surface area of 139 m2 and capacity for approximately 100 people.

Every year, as a ceremony held before the beginning of classes, there's an informative session for students (and family of the First year Students) enrolled in the different courses if the Degree Studies. In this session, students are told about news and course characteristics and information about the School, and they are handed the Participants’ Welcome Handbook.

Prior to the beginning of the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, the School offers two leveling courses consisting of two subjects that are usually more difficult for new participants. This aims at guaranteeing that new participantsare well-prepared to face the Degree’s challenges and to meet its demands.

These classes are:

  • Introductory Math Course.
  • Introductory Accounting Course.

ESIC has a Plan of Action for Tutoring (P.A.T.) for the "welcoming" of students in their admission process and adaptation to the School.

ESIC offers a Mentoring Plan (PAT) aimed at easing the integration and adaptation process of the new participants to the School and the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing.

At the beginning of the course, each participant will be assigned a tutor, who will mentor them both personally and academically. Participants and tutors will hold several meetings and interviews so that participantsare correctly guided and supported through the process of adaptation to the university life. This tutor will also help participants with internships and the Final Project (TFG), In the case of the Final Project, the tutor will orientate participants during the development of it; and in case of the internships, the tutor will track the participants’ evolution in the company.

For more information, see Degree in Business Administration and Management Tutors.

ESIC’s Diversity Project aims at making the School an inclusive center, by promoting equality of opportunity and zero tolerance for any type of discrimination. ESIC wantspeople that feel discriminated in the business world, either for their gender, race, religion, nationality or functional diversityto feel totally integrated in the School and to feel supported at all moments by it.

Support to the participants with functional diversity and/or special educational needs.

ESIC offers a support service to its participants with functional diversity and/or special educational needs. This service is coordinated by the Diversity and Integration Unit.

The purposes of the Diversity and Integration Unit are the following:

  • Ease the access to higher education.
  • Guarantee the inclusion and the active integration of the participants in the campus.
  • To match the needsof the participants in a personalized way.
  • The implementation of academic adaptability features.
  • To guarantee the accessibility to ESIC services and facilities.
  • To match the material and personal needs of the participants in the campus.

Participants with functional diversity and/or special educational needs, can request any help through the Diversity and Integration Unit The Diversity and Integration Unit will coordinate, together with all areas/departments, the necessary actions to match the specific needs of its students.

The support serviESIC’s Diversity Projectce for participants with functional diversity and/or special educational needs is integrated in ESIC’s Diversity Project. Visit to see more information.

ESIC’s CareerAdvice Department provides participants and alumni with an employability platform. Through this platform the department manages all the recruiting, advice, training and events for employability.

Employment Professional Meeting

Every year, ESIC celebrates MEET, an employment fair organized by the CareerAdvice department. MEET promotes contact between companies demanding executive talent and participants from the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing. This fair aims at presenting participants to relevant companies so that they can find a suitable job within their field of study.

The participating companies also develop selection processes and field presentations that complete the knowledge acquired by the participants during ESIC programs.

Employment Training Sessions

During the development of its programs, ESIC delivers several seminars with the intention of helping the participants to improve their personal and professional capabilities at the time of presenting themselves to a personnel selection process.

Career Advice

This department provides the alumni from the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing with two special advantages:

  • Nationwide opportunities: ESIC participants can access any job opportunity in Spain, regardless of which venue they have studied in.
  • Lifelong service: This department is not only focused in helping participants’ employment, but also to develop their entire career.

The alumni are provided with an online curriculum management system, which connects them with those partner companies that trust their selection processes to ESIC.

Through the website, after signing in with a username and password, ESIC alumni can activate their job application to access more than 220 nationwide monthly job opportunities that are managed by the CareerAdvice department.

The candidates, besides uploading and codifying their CVs, can indicate their own preferences and restrictions as regards positions, sectors, geographical areas, responsibilities and retribution.

In addition to be able to create and edit their curriculum, candidates can set their preferences and filters with regards to functions, fields, geographical area, responsibility, and even estimated salaries. Candidates will receive information about the job opportunities in which their curriculum is being forwarded from the Career Advice department. At the very moment that the candidates’ curriculums arrive at the companies, they will receive an email with all the information related to the company and the job opportunities to which they have been recommended by the School.

All services offered by the Career Advice department are free of charge, both for the alumni and for the partnering companies.

Know more about the Career Advice department.

ESIC provides allformer participants of the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing with the possibility to be part of (Alumni). ESIC Alumni was created in 1972 and it currently has more than 55,000 members. This association is composed by business professionals and ESIC’s former students. Alumni’s primary goals are: to promote and strength the networking between its members, to support the professional development of them, and to provide its members with constant training and learning experiences. Members will also enjoy special discounts to workshops and activities organized by ESIC.

All members will receive the Alumni magazine, which includes very interesting stories and articles.

Main Goal:

ESIC’s Quality Manual aims at presenting ESIC’s Quality Management System.

ESIC’s Quality Management System (SGC-ESIC) establishes the way that the School uses and organizes its departments, regulations, criteria, processes, etc., in order to improve the quality of its Degrees, the faculty promotion, the planning and development of the classes, and the results of the learning process. This system also establishes the way that several interest groups are involved in the design, development, assessment and advertising of its training activities.

  • Languages
  • Executive Education
  • Graduate Studies
  • Undergraduate Studies
  • Publishing House
  • Complementary services and support to the facult
ESIC’s Quality Manual includes both the values and policies shared by members of the School, and the general courses of action that guide the different works and events developed in the School.

In terms of quality, ESIC’s vision is reflected in the policy and goals that the Board of Directors establish and commit to fulfill.

The different chapters of the Quality Manual mention the procedures that detail the way in which works are done.  

This system, as well as the responsibilities associated withthe different activities of the School, must be known and applied by all ESIC personnel, so that the quality of the services offered is guaranteed, and the correct functioning of the organization is assured.

The Quality Manual and the information included in it is the property of ESIC, and therefore is not to be published or reproduced, in full or in part without the explicit permission of the School’s Board of Directors.

For more information about ESIC’s Quality Management System, please see Guarantee of Quality.


  • Degree’s Report of the Degree in Marketing (Degree – URJC in Madrid) (GRMK) 2020/2021   Download pdf
  • Degree’s Report of the Degree in Marketing (Degree – URJC in Madrid) (GRMK) 2017/2018   Download pdf
  • Degree’s Report of the Degree in Marketing (Degree – URJC in Madrid) (GRMK) 2016/2017   Download pdf
  • Degree’s Report of the Degree in Marketing (Degree – URJC in Madrid) (GRMK) 2015/2016   Download pdf
  • Degree’s Report of the Degree in Marketing (Degree – URJC in Madrid) (GRMK) 2014/2015   Download pdf
  • Degree’s Report of the Degree in Marketing (Degree – URJC in Madrid) (GRMK) 2013/2014   Download pdf
  • Degree’s Report of the Degree in Marketing (Degree – URJC in Madrid) (GRMK) 2012/2013   Download pdf

Degrees’ Committees Each degree has a Committee organized in the following way:

  • The Director of the Degree Academic Committee, who will preside its meetings.
  • A Coordinator from Undergraduate Studies.
  • Two to five professors from the degree’s faculty.
  • The Degree’s Class Representative and theDeputy Class Representative.
  • A representative from the Academic Management Personnel (PAS)
  • One or two external experts.

The Committee’s main goal is to assure the quality of the degree by promoting its constant improvement. For this, it develops the following functions:

  • The monitoring of the objectives of the Degree’s curriculum.
  • The proposal, implementation and monitoring of the improvement actions for the program.
  • The developing of the Quality Management System for the Degree.
  • The performance of the appropriate evaluations of the qualitative and quantitative data included in the Degree’s assessment reports and the improvement proposals based their information.
  • The elaboration of the Degree’s Annual Report.
  • The integration of the Academic Directors in the continuous improvement of the degree.
  • The integration of the Non-Academic Directors in the continuous improvement of the non-academic services for the degree’s participants.

Frequency: 2 meetings per academic year and program (Degree).

See Committee for the Bachelor´s Degree in Marketing

See Policy for Degree's Committees.

See Policy for Faculty Coordination

The European Higher Education Area, initiated in 1999 with the Bologna Declaration, establishes the collection of reliable data as a standard to assure the quality of the education. This data must enable the identification of those aspects of the degree and the institution that are correct and those that need to go through an improvement process. Within the mentioned collected data, the information about the satisfaction of the interest groups with the degree and the institution is included.

Every year, to comply with this standard, ESIC establishes a Survey Action Plan, in order to measure the satisfaction of the groups of interest. These surveys, are organized by the following target audiences:


  • Participants’ satisfaction with the teaching methodology.
  • Participants’ satisfaction with the Degree (Mid-term).
  • Participants’ satisfaction with the Degree (Final).

  • Employability evaluation
  • Faculty’s satisfaction with the Degree.
  • Faculty’s satisfaction with the facilities of the School.
Administrative and services personnel:
  • Administrative and services personnel satisfaction with the Degree.
  • Administrative and services personnel satisfaction with the facilities and work environment.
Satisfaction with internships:
  • Participants’ satisfaction.
  • Academic tutor satisfaction.
  • External/Company tutor satisfaction.
Satisfaction with Mobility Programs:
  • Incoming students’ satisfaction.
  • Outgoing students’ satisfaction.
  • Faculty satisfaction.
  • Administrative and services personnel satisfaction.

For more information about the annual indicators of satisfaction among the groups of interest, please see the Annual Degree Report Annual Degree Report.


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