Over the last few months, at ESIC we have been taking all the necessary measures to guarantee the health and safety of everyone by strictly complying with all the health, hygiene and safety protocols established by the regional and national authorities. And making sure that all our staff are aware of all the preventive measures.
All of this has been with the aim of guaranteeing the permanent continuity of our teaching and other educational activities in an unbounded campus model.
Frequently-asked-questions for the 2020 re-opening
Any person who starts to experience symptoms should telephone their primary health care centre or the designated telephone number in the autonomous community to see what to do. In those cases where there is difficulty in breathing or chest pain or a sense of urgency, those responsible for managing the health crisis at the centre and the university will contact 112 immediately.
Any student who is a suspect case will be required to remain in home isolation until the results of their diagnostic tests are available, as referred to in the COVID-19 Early Detection, Surveillance and Control Strategy. If the case is confirmed, the student should not go to the centre and should remain in home isolation until 3 days after the end of the clinical condition and a minimum of 10 days from the onset of symptoms. The student will not be able to return to normal academic activity until indicated to do so by the health authorities, always notifying his or her group tutor so that he or she can follow the classes at a distance.
From the moment that the diagnosis of COVID-19 is confirmed, the "COVID officer" must be informed and a contact study of the confirmed case will be carried out to determine which other students and other members of the university community have recently been in close contact - less than two metres away for more than 15 minutes without a facemask, from the 48 hours before the onset of symptoms of the confirmed case until the time when the case is isolated. Once these people have been detected, they will be informed that they will have to be quarantined in their place of residence and, therefore, they will have to stop attending face-to-face academic activities, whether these are carried out at the university or outside it, until they have exceeded the duration of the quarantine, which is set by the health authorities.
At the behest of their primary care doctors, students who have been identified as close contacts will be required to undergo a PCR, in accordance with the protocols established by the public health authorities of each autonomous community, with the main objective of early detection of new positive cases at the time of contact identification, in accordance with the provisions of the " Early Detection, Surveillance and Control Strategy for COVID-19", and any modifications that may be made to it. Regardless of the result of this PCR, quarantine should last for 14 days since, although at that moment it may not yet be positive, the disease may develop over those 14 days.
As a general rule, any student who goes into isolation will receive the corresponding teaching in a non-face-to-face way, always taking into account the peculiarities and specific characteristics of each subject. ESIC will be responsible for ensuring that any student who has to go into isolation and their close contacts who go into quarantine will receive the teaching of the different subjects in which they are enrolled.
The use of a facemask is compulsory for all persons entering the centre and in all areas. The hygienic surgical mask (where possible reusable) is recommended and must be used correctly.
This space has been created as the only communication channel to keep track of all the updates and corporate communications that are made from the School. To do this, and proactively, you must consult this website on a regular basis
At ESIC, different scenarios have been devised with the aim of not altering the teaching system regardless of the modality.
In these cases, ESIC provides students who find themselves in this situation with a document so that they can attend in person. This document is available in the virtual classroom and you only need to print it out to use.
Contact us at this e-mail address and we will answer you as soon as possible.
ContactInstitutional communications and recommendations
At ESIC we have created this space to facilitate the monitoring of institutional communications and recommendations that are made from
the School regarding the coronavirus. It only includes institutional information.
- 30 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 30th April | Press Resease Business School Students
- 13 de abril | Comunicado alumnado área universitaria
- 13th April | Institutional Message University Students
- 26 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado
- 26th March | Institutional Message Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado área universitaria
- 23th March | Statement University Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 23th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 21th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado postgrado
- 13 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos Madrid
- 10th March | Institutional message postgraduated students Madrid
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado postgrado Madrid
- 10th March | Institutional message university students Madrid
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado grado Madrid
- 10th March | Institutional message students Madrid
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado Madrid
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado suspensión de clases Madrid
- 30 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 30th April | Press Resease Business School Students
- 26 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado
- 26th March | Institutional Message Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado área universitaria
- 23 de marzo | Statement University Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 23th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 21th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado postgrado
- 16th March| Official statement students
- 16 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos
- 12th March | Institutional Message postgraduate students
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos postgrado
- 12th March | Institutional Message university students
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos grado
- 30 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 30th April | Press Resease Business School Students
- 20 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Área Universitaria
- 26 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado
- 26th March | Institutional Message Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado área universitaria
- 23 de marzo | Statement University Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 23th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 21th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado postgrado
- 16 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado de grado y postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado de postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado de grado
- 09 de noviembre | Comunicado institucional Alumnado Grado
- 30 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 30th April | Press Resease Business School Students
- 20 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Área Universitaria
- 26 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado
- 26th March | Institutional Message Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado área universitaria
- 23 de marzo | Statement University Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 23th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 21th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado de grado
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado de postgrado
- 30 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 30th April | Press Resease Business School Students
- 20 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Área Universitaria
- 26 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado
- 26th March | Institutional Message Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado área universitaria
- 23 de marzo | Statement University Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 23th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 21th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado postgrado
- 16 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de grado
- 30th April | Press Resease Business School Students
- 20 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Área Universitaria
- 26 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado
- 26th March | Institutional Message Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado área universitaria
- 23 de marzo | Statement University Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 23th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 21th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de grado
- 30 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 30th April | Press Resease Business School Students
- 20 de abril | Comunicado alumnado Área Universitaria
- 26 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado
- 26th March | Institutional Message Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado área universitaria
- 23 de marzo | Statement University Students
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 23th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado Business School
- 21th March | Institutional Message Postgraduate Students
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado alumnado postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de grado
- 11 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de postgrado PSDM
- 11 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de postgrado MMD
- 11 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de postgrado GESCO
- 11 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de postgrado EMBA
- 11 de marzo | Comunicado alumnos de postgrado DRHO
- 4 de septiembre| Comunicado Institucional
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado área universitaria
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado Business School
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado postgrado
- 13 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado Madrid
- 10th March | Institutional message professors of Business School Madrid
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado suspensión de clases profesorado Business School Madrid
- 10th March | Institutional message university professors Madrid
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado suspensión de clases profesorado área universitaria Madrid
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado suspensión de clases Madrid
- 10 de marzo | Comunicado suspensión de clases Madrid
- 4 de septiembre| Comunicado Institucional
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado área universitaria
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado Business School
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado postgrado
- 16 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado grado
- 4 de septiembre| Comunicado Institucional
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado área universitaria
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado Business School
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado postgrado
- 16 de marzo | Comunicado general comunidad ESIC
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases profesores de postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases profesores de grado
- 4 de septiembre| Comunicado Institucional
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado área universitaria
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado Business School
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado postgrado
- 16 de marzo | Comunicado general PDI
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado de postgrado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado cancelación de clases alumnado de grado
- 4 de septiembre| Comunicado Institucional
- 23 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado área universitaria
- 21 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado Business School
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado grado
- 19 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado postgrado
- 16 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado
- 12 de marzo | Comunicado profesorado
Covid-19 Management Officers
If you have any doubts, you have the Covid-19 management staff in the different campuses at your disposal.