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Case ManBatt, new business model in photovoltaic energies

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Empresa, Estratégico, Operativo y Sectorial

1ª edición

Case ManBatt, new business model in photovoltaic energies

Growth of the photovoltaic energy market and renewable energies

Javier Sevilla Bernardo

  • Publicación: Abril 2022
  • Edición:
  • Páginas: 25
  • Tamaño del libro: 449 KB
  • Formato: ebook.
  • ISBN: 9788418944765
  • ISBN ebook: 9788418944765
  • Precio ebook: 6€

Sinopsis y Contenido

It is 10:00 p.m. on 28 February 2021 and, at the ESIC incubator, the Lumio team is holding a crucial meeting with the aim of making decisions and adapting its business model to better fit its market. The meeting is generating some controversy, as a tipping point has been reached on how to include the company’s new in-house battery, ManBatt, within the company’s service offering, as, until now, it has only used batteries manufactured by third parties for its solar PV installations. Alexis and his team have to define the new business model.

The high price of energy and electricity in Spain, together with the great concern in society about climate change, makes renewable energies a key factor with potential growth in the very near future. In addition, the difficulty and slowness in finding qualified suppliers or installers, together with the difficulties in obtaining beneficial payment conditions for the consumer, make it difficult for both households and companies to switch to cleaner and cheaper energy such as solar energy. Lumio was created to solve this problem efficiently.

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Sobre el autor

Javier Sevilla Bernardo

Es psicólogo industrial por la UCM, especialista en recursos humanos por la UAM y doctorando en Economía Aplicada a la Innovación y al Comportamiento Organizacional en la Nueva Empresa. Javier dispone de una amplia experiencia investigadora en diferentes proyectos orientados al análisis del competencias de triunfo/crecimiento en start-ups, y el éxito de jóvenes emprendedores.

A lo largo de su carrera profesional ha pasado por el entorno multinacional como director de recursos humanos y ha gestionado nueve países de Europa en empresas como Stryker-Medical, Mexx-LizClaiborne, World Software Services o Arthur Andersen (actualmente Deloitte).


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