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Minicaso. Awaken the Magic: ILUNION Hotels’ challenge to integrate its corporate culture

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Empresa, Marketing

1ª edición

Minicaso. Awaken the Magic: ILUNION Hotels’ challenge to integrate its corporate culture

Ana María Gómez Olmedo

  • Publicación: Enero 2025
  • Edición:
  • Páginas: 4
  • Tamaño del libro: 177 KB
  • Formato: ebook.
  • ISBN: 9788411921459
  • ISBN ebook: 9788411921459
  • Precio ebook: 6€

Sinopsis y Contenido

The stage

The management model of ILUNION Hotels, a leading hotel company in accessibility and labour inclusion for people with disabilities, is a benchmark in the tourism sector at a social level in Spain and a unique model in the world. Since its origins, in 1993 under the Confortel brand and since 2014 with the Ilunion brand, the company has made quality employment and sustainability their hallmark and differentiating factor at a national level. A social economy model focused on the development of people and for people, because, in the words of José Ángel Preciados, its CEO since 2020, “it is possible to build a better world with everyone included”.

It is part of the ONCE Social Group, made up of ONCE, Fundación ONCE and Ilunion, a group of companies that seeks to achieve the full inclusion of people with any type of disability, through training, employment and universal accessibility. This support is undoubtedly a great competitive advantage that is difficult for its competitors to replicate. On the contrary, they serve as an inspiration for the sector, promoting the transformation of the entire tourism sector by demonstrating that this economic model, based on people, is profitable.

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Sobre el autor

Ana María Gómez Olmedo

Es profesora en el grado de Marketing, Negocios Digitales y Administración de Empresas de ESIC University. Especializada en Marketing Digital y Sostenibilidad, su campo de investigación se centra en la promoción de la transición hacia la sostenibilidad a través de la educación y la digitalización.

Doctora en el programa de doctorado en Competitividad Empresarial y Territorial, Innovación y Sostenibilidad (CETIS) por la Universidad de Comillas y licenciada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, entre sus publicaciones se encuentran las siguientes:

A. M. Gómez Olmedo, C. Valor e I. Carrero (2020): «Mindfulness in education for sustainable development to nurture socioemotional competencies: A systematic review and meta-analysis». Environmental Education Research, 26(11), 1527-1555. doi: 10.1080/13504622.2020.1777264

A. M. Gómez Olmedo, I. Carrero y C. Valor (2020): «Volition to behave sustainably: An examination of the role of self control». Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 20(3), 776-790. doi: 10.1002/cb.1905

Junto a su actividad docente e investigadora, cuenta con amplia experiencia profesional tanto en el sector del marketing digital, donde ha ocupado cargos de alta dirección en empresas de marketing en España y EE. UU., como en el ámbito del marketing social corporativo. Además, cuenta con formación en mindfulness gracias a la acreditación «MBSR Foundations» por la Universidad de Brown.



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