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At Esic University, we recognize the importance of creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of our students, regardless of their background, culture, or nationality. Therefore, our fourth axis is to establish the Esic University Global Campus, a physical and virtual space that promotes diversity, inclusivity, and innovation.

Our vision is to create a Global Campus that provides our students with the best possible experience during their stay at Esic University. We understand that international students face unique challenges when studying abroad, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and social isolation. Therefore, our Global Campus will provide a supportive and welcoming environment that fosters academic success, personal growth, and cross-cultural exchange.


Our Global Campus will be a physical and virtual space that incorporates the latest technologies, green spaces, and cultural centers. It will provide a range of services and amenities that meet the needs and desires of our students, including:

Welcome desk and orientation programs that provide international students with a smooth transition into Esic University and their new surroundings

Comprehensive support services, including language training, academic advising, and career development, that enable our international students to thrive academically and professionally

Cultural exchange programs and social events that promote cross-cultural understanding and friendship among students from different backgrounds

State-of-the-art facilities and technologies that support teaching, learning, and research excellence, such as virtual classrooms, collaborative spaces, and research laboratories

Access to a global network of academic and industry partners that enable our students to expand their horizons and create new opportunities for their careers and personal growth

Our Global Campus will be a physical and virtual space that reflects our commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and innovation. We envision a community of students, faculty, and staff that embrace the richness and complexity of our global society, and work together to create a better future for all. We commit to building a Global Campus that sets the standard for academic excellence, research innovation, and global impact, and that enables our students to become leaders in their fields and global citizens of the world.

We envision a dynamic and interconnected global community of scholars, where proactive and intense international academic relations are at the heart of our higher education strategy. Our international strategy is built on four axes: International Programs, International Students, International Professors, and Global Campus, which together create a comprehensive framework for promoting academic excellence, research innovation, and global impact.

  1. International Programs: Our international programs are designed to offer our students a truly global learning experience, where they can develop a deep understanding of diverse cultures, perspectives, and ideas. We aim to expand our portfolio of international programs, including study abroad, internships, and research collaborations, that allow our students to gain practical skills, engage with local communities, and become global citizens. We commit to offering innovative programs that meet the needs of the 21st century and address global challenges such as sustainability, health, and technology.
  2. International Students: Our international students are a vital part of our community, bringing diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that enrich our academic programs and campus life. We aim to attract and support a diverse and talented pool of international students, providing them with a welcoming and inclusive environment that fosters academic success, personal growth, and cultural exchange. We commit to offering comprehensive support services, including language training, academic advising, and career development, that enable our international students to thrive and become leaders in their fields.
  3. International Professors: Our international professors are at the forefront of research and teaching, bringing cutting-edge knowledge and perspectives from around the world to our campus. We aim to attract and retain a diverse and talented pool of international professors, providing them with a supportive and stimulating environment that fosters research excellence, teaching innovation, and cross-cultural exchange. We commit to offering opportunities for international collaboration and professional development, including joint research projects, exchange programs, and mentoring initiatives.
  4. Global Campus: Our global campus is a physical and virtual space that connects our community with the world, enabling us to engage in meaningful academic and cultural exchanges. We aim to create a global campus that promotes innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity, incorporating state-of-the-art technology, green spaces, and cultural centers. We commit to building strategic partnerships with international institutions, governments, and industry partners that enable us to address global challenges and create new opportunities for our students and faculty.

In summary, our vision is to establish a global community of scholars that fosters academic excellence, research innovation, and global impact. We commit to promoting international academic relations that transcend borders, foster mutual understanding, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and human flourishing.

ESIC University provides students with a comprehensive and practical education in the fields of business, marketing, and communication, among others, placing a strong emphasis on internationalization, and has established partnerships with universities all over the world to provide students with opportunities for global learning and cross-cultural exchange.

Through these partnerships, ESIC University offers a range of international programs, including study abroad, language immersion, and double degree programs, that allow students to gain a broader perspective on the world and enhance their professional and personal development.

At ESIC University, we are committed to providing the most powerful learning and international experience for our students and academic partners. We recognize that our academic partners are critical stakeholders in our mission to foster academic excellence, research innovation, and global impact. Therefore, our vision is to establish a collaborative network of international academic partners that enables us to co-create knowledge, share best practices, and foster cross-cultural exchange.

Our academic partners are at the forefront of research and teaching, bringing diverse perspectives and expertise that enrich our academic programs and campus life. We understand that they seek high-quality academic programs, opportunities for research collaboration, and a supportive and stimulating environment that fosters academic success and personal growth.

Therefore, our vision is to offer academic partners a comprehensive suite of programs and services that meet their needs and desires, including:

  • High-quality academic programs that are tailored to their academic interests and needs.
  • Opportunities for joint research projects and collaborations with our faculty and students
  • Access to state-of-the-art facilities, resources, and technologies that support teaching and research excellence.
  • Comprehensive support services, including visa assistance, accommodation, and cultural integration programs, that enable them to thrive in a new academic and cultural environment.
  • Networking opportunities with other academic partners, alumni, and industry partners that enable them to expand their professional and academic networks.

We want to create a vibrant and inclusive community of scholars, where academic partners are valued and respected for their contributions to our academic mission. We commit to fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and collaboration, where all members of our community are empowered to reach their full potential.

Our goal is to be a leading global institution of higher education, known for our commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, and internationalization, and recognized as a valued partner by academic institutions, industry partners, and governments around the world.

The university has agreements with over 120 universities both nationally and internationally, conventions with over 40 countries on four continents, and residential study tours with over 500 students annually in international programs.

As a leading institution of higher education, Esic University is committed to promoting academic excellence, research innovation, and global impact. To achieve this mission, we recognize the importance of building strategic partnerships and collaborations with other academic institutions, industry partners, and government agencies around the world.

One of the most effective ways to establish and maintain these partnerships is by participating in international networking events such as EAIE for Europe, APAIE for Asia-Pacific, and NAFSA for the USA and Canada. These events bring together a diverse range of academic and industry professionals from around the world, providing a unique opportunity for Esic University to showcase our academic programs, research initiatives, and campus culture.

By participating in these international networking events, Esic University can:

  1. Expand our global reach: These events provide a platform for Esic University to showcase our academic programs, research initiatives, and campus culture to a global audience. This helps us to attract high-quality students, faculty, and industry partners from around the world.
  2. Build strategic partnerships: Networking events such as EAIE, APAIE, and NAFSA provide an opportunity for Esic University to establish partnerships with other academic institutions, industry partners, and government agencies. These partnerships can lead to joint research projects, student exchange programs, and collaborations that promote academic excellence, research innovation, and global impact.
  3. Learn from other institutions: By participating in international networking events, Esic University can learn from other academic institutions and industry partners from around the world. This helps us to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in higher education, and to identify opportunities for innovation and growth.
  4. Enhance our reputation: By participating in international networking events, Esic University can enhance our reputation as a leading institution of higher education. This helps us to attract high-quality students, faculty, and industry partners, and to build a strong brand that is recognized and respected around the world.

To conclude, participating in international networking events such as EAIE, APAIE, and NAFSA is a critical component of Esic University's internationalization strategy. These events provide a unique opportunity for us to expand our global reach, build strategic partnerships, learn from other institutions, and enhance our reputation as a leading institution of higher education.

We are one of the leading institutions in both education and business, recognized by companies and universities within and outside our country.

At ESIC University, we establish agreements, relationships, and affiliations with other institutions and universities in order to offer programs characterized by excellence. This allows us to act as a bridge between education and the business world, offering our students the assurance of being a proactive and leading School.

Institutional agreements

  • Cámara Bilbao
  • CMN
  • EIG

Affiliations with public universities

  • Universidad rey Juan Carlos
  • Universitas Miguel Hernández
  • Universidad San Jorge
  • Universitat Rovira

Memberships in institutions and associations

National AEEDE, adigital, Charter de la Diversidad de España, Fundación Bequal, Asociación de Marketing de España, Foro Inserta ONCE.

International Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools; New Global Performance Challenges and Implications for Management Development; Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración; Business Transfer Programme; European Foundation for Management Development; Executive Education Consortium (UNICON); The Executive MBA Council; Principios de Educación Responsable de Gestión; Misterio de Educación de Brasil; AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business); MBA CSEA

Founding member of AEEDES

In 1989, ESIC, along with the most established business schools in Spain, founded AEEDE (Spanish Association of Representatives of Business Schools) to meet the demands of quality and service in executive education.

AEEDE sets internationally accepted principles and quality standards to guarantee a minimum level of education that enables students to perform their professional careers optimally. These principles and standards are articulated in the following aspects:

  • Design and planning of programs offered by business schools.
  • Composition (qualifications, dedication regime, etc.), selection, and development of the faculty of business schools (including the instructional and research activities they must carry out).
  • Processes developed by the institution, such as planning processes, student admission processes, research processes, student evaluation systems, employment search facilities for graduates, and relationships between the schools and the business community.
  • Infrastructure and material resources required to carry out the activities of the school.


The Erasmus+ program is a European Commission initiative promoting education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. Since 1987, it has enabled international exchanges and projects for millions of students and professionals.

OMain Objectives of Erasmus+

  1. Enhance skills and competencies: Prepare participants for the labor market and active citizenship.
  2. Promote educational quality: Encourage cooperation and exchange of best practices between institutions.
  3. Promote inclusion and diversity: Ensure access to educational opportunities for all.
  4. Boost innovation and internationalization: Use new technologies and methodologies to improve education.
  5. Strengthen European identity: Promote values of respect, tolerance, and solidarity.

Erasmus+ Priorities

  • Inclusion and diversity: Ensure access for everyone.
  • Digital transformation: Integrate technology into education.
  • Sustainability: Address environmental challenges.
  • Democratic participation: Encourage civic participation among youth.

ESIC University and the Erasmus Charter

The Erasmus Charter (ECHE) allows ESIC University to participate in Erasmus+, enhancing academic quality, strengthening internationalization, offering exchange opportunities, and promoting inclusion and innovation.


Título: DEBATE

Principal investigator: Myriam Marti

Type: Erasmus + KA220

Duration: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2024

Project website:

EU Erasmus+ website:

The DEBATE project aims to promote the development of skills and competencies that young university students need to enhance their critical thinking and employability, through the creation of collective learning environments. In this regard, it is proposed as a methodology that fosters the ability to exercise critical judgment. Other objectives include improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, promoting active citizenship, and enhancing creativity. Activities include transnational meetings among project partners, a teacher training course on debate methodology, local laboratories to work on methodology, online debates among university students from different countries, local seminars to share project results, a final conference in Spain, and dissemination activities of the results obtained.

Impaxcto social


Principal investigator: Belén Lopez

Type: Erasmus + KA220

Duration: 01/09/2022 - 31/08/2024

Project website:

EU Erasmus+ website:

The project "Social Impact of Higher Education on Sustainable Development", HG Sustainable, has been created to educate students in a global space and to assume responsible leadership. To this end, the objectives of the project are: 1. To develop a model for students with an impact on knowledge and business decisions. 2. To explore teaching methods to be developed in the classroom that contribute to sustainable development. 3. Train teachers in this model to increase the impact of universities on inclusion, diversity and youth employment. The partners are located in 4 countries, with ESIC University as the coordinating institution of the project.

Impacto social
Talent management


Principal investigator: Maria Guijarro

Type: Erasmus + KA 210 Small scale

Duration: 01-03-2022 - 29-02-2024

Project website:

EU Erasmus+ website:

At present, businesses are facing a dual challenge: firstly, the aging of the population and consequently the workforce, and secondly, the difficulty of locating and retaining highly specialised talent.

In response to this, the Talent Management project aims to bolster the development of senior talent, particularly individuals over the age of 45, by enhancing the skills and competencies most sought after by businesses today. Training materials will be devised to enable those over 45 to acquire the requisite competencies, enabling them to leverage their abilities and competencies, thus reinforcing their standing in the job market.

Moreover, through supplementary dissemination efforts, there is an expectation to heighten awareness among businesses regarding the necessity of integrating older individuals, thereby surmounting the age barrier, to ensure that senior talent remains an active component of businesses and is not ousted from the job market.

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