Empresa, Habilidades Directivas, Recursos Humanos
1ª edición
Sergio Cardona Herrero María Julia Bordonado Bermejo
The Marine Stewardship Council MSC, an international non-profit organisation, aims to recognise and reward the efforts of fishing businesses to simultaneously fish and protect marine life in the oceans and safeguard the food supply from the seas in the future.
The UN (United Nations) and within it the High-Level Panel launched on 28 September 2017 the AGENDA 2030 as an ambitious plan to halt the deterioration of our planet. We are now in the year 2024 and the goals are still far away, although AGENDA 2030 is recognised by many countries as a valid approach to achieve sustainability. AGENDA 2030 contains 17 goals. Number fourteen proclaims: “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”. In its content it is highlighted that achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is a task for all the actors that can help civil society, companies, trade unions, universities and the liberal professions. Within society we find the organisation that interests us: MSC (Marine Stewardship Council). A non-profit organisation whose work consists of promoting sustainable fishing.
Nacido en Valencia en 1961. Doctor por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), licenciado en CC. PP. y Sociología (especialidad de Psicología Social). Máster en Gestión Comercial por ESIC. Profesor del Departamento de Dirección de Empresas de ESIC University, imparte clases de Métodos de Toma de Decisiones, Iniciativas Empresariales, Gestión del Talento, Innovación Empresarial, Liderazgo… Autor de varios libros: Coaching para todos, Coaching en las organizaciones: una perspectiva desde la psicología social, Neuromanagement…
Es consultor de personas, talento y coach de empresas. En la actualidad realiza una investigación sobre liderazgo y AI. Aficionado a leer novela negra y a escribir alguna.
Sergio Cardona Herrero, born in Valencia in 1961. PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Bachelor of Social Sciences and Sociology (specializing in Social Psychology). Master in Business Management from ESIC. Professor in the Department of Business Management at ESIC University, teaches Decision-Making Methods, Business Initiatives, Talent Management, Business Innovation. Leadership… Author of several books: Coaching for everyone, Coaching in organizations: a perspective from Social Psychology, Neuromanagement…
He is a people and talent consultant and business coach. He is currently conducting research on leadership and AI. He is fond of reading crime novels and writing some.
Doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad CEU-San Pablo. Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Profesora contratada doctora y profesora con dedicación exclusiva en ESIC University. Miembro de la Junta Directiva de la Real Sociedad Geográfica y tesorera de esta. Miembro de la Junta Directiva y fundadora de la Asociación de Historia y Tradiciones del Arma de Ingenieros Próspero de Verboom. Miembro del Ateneo Literario, Científico y Artístico de Cádiz.
Cuenta con más de 25 años de trayectoria docente e investigadora, y ha centrado sus estudios en temas como las aportaciones militares al desarrollo económico y social de España, concretamente en la formación del estado del bienestar. También en economía y migraciones, que es su tesis doctoral, y sobre economía y derecho de la comunicación y publicidad digital, libertad de expresión y comunicación institucional. Ha impartido numerosas conferencias sobre estos temas y publicado libros y artículos.
PhD in Economics and Business Administration from Universidad CEU-San Pablo. Degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Professor and full-time lecturer at ESIC University. Member of the Board of Directors of the Real Sociedad Geográfica and treasurer of the same. Member of the Board of Directors and founder of the Asociación de Historia y Tradiciones del Arma de Ingenieros Próspero de Verboom. Member of the Ateneo Literario, Científico y Artístico de Cádiz.
He has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience, and has focused his studies on topics such as military contributions to the economic and social development of Spain, specifically in the formation of the welfare state. Also in economics and migration, which is his doctoral thesis, and on economics and communication law and digital advertising, freedom of expression and institutional communication. He has given numerous lectures on these topics and published books and articles.