Comercio Internacional, Finanzas
Caso Mateo Ninini: internacionalización del arte contemporáneo español
Beatriz Irún Molina, José Miguel Berné Martínez, María Seguí Lario
Comercio Internacional, Comportamiento del Consumidor
1ª edición
In an ageing world, a better and deeper understanding of the senior segment is crucial. This thesis focuses in the study of the senior tourism, a topic that has been receiving increasing attention in literature due to its growth potential and the specificities that seniors can present in their way of consuming tourism and leisure travelling. The first few years of the 21st millennium have brought extraordinary change and transformation in destination planning and management. It is obvious that the increasing importance of the tourism industry needs an improvement in knowledge for this important segment so as to be able to tailor offerings to senior cohort groups.
The overall aim of this study is to understand how seniors want to travel, and to determine the trends, forces in play and key preferences that may affect the way that seniors will consume tourism in the future.
The tourism industry must be attentive to the senior market because of the rapid increase in this market’s size in an ageing society and the changes in the way they are consuming products and services. Sophistication should be further explored, and opportunities provided to better anticipate, maximize and genuinely understand the needs, wants, concerns, preferences and insights of this heterogeneous segment of the population.
Doctora Mención Internacional en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad de Deusto (España), investigadora en la Universidad de Oxford (Gran Bretaña) y profesora invitada y colaboradora en el Grupo City Science MIT Media Lab y en el RCC Harvard (Boston, EE. UU.).
Licenciada en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad de Salamanca, MBA Executive y máster en Marketing por la Universidad del País Vasco, cuenta con formación ejecutiva en coaching profesional y leadership coaching por la Universidad de Nueva York, la Universidad de Stanford y la Universidad de Harvard (EE. UU.), además de formación en creatividad e innovación en la Saint Martins College, Londres (Gran Bretaña).
Profesora asociada en la Deusto Business School, la Universidad de Deusto y en el Basque Culinary Center, Adela es profesora invitada en universidades nacionales e internacionales; entre otras, la Universidad de Salamanca, la Universidad del País Vasco, la Universidad de Granada, la École hôtelière de Lausanne (Suiza), la Universidad de Regensburg (Alemania), la Universidad de Cornell, la Universidad de Pensilvania y la George Washington University (EE. UU.).
Adela Balderas holds a PhD with International Mention in Business Administration and Management from the University of Deusto (Spain). She is a researcher at the University of Oxford (Great Britain) , research affiliate at the City Science MIT Media Lab Group and a visiting professor at RCC Harvard (Boston, USA).
She holds a degree in English Philology from the University of Salamanca, an Executive MBA and a Master's degree in Marketing from the University of the Basque Country, and has executive training in professional coaching and leadership coaching from New York University, Stanford University and Harvard University (USA), as well as training in creativity and innovation at Saint Martins College, London (Great Britain).
Associate professor at the Deusto Business School, the University of Deusto and the Basque Culinary Center, Adela is a guest lecturer at national and international universities, including the University of Salamanca, the University of the Basque Country, the University of Granada, the École hôtelière de Lausanne (Switzerland), the University of Regensburg (Germany), Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania and the George Washington University (USA).
Comercio Internacional, Finanzas
Beatriz Irún Molina, José Miguel Berné Martínez, María Seguí Lario
Comercio Internacional, Comportamiento del Consumidor, Comunicación, Publicidad e Imagen, Marketing
Arianna Gnecco, Paula Andrea Nieto Alemán, María Guijarro García, Esther Pagán Castaño
Comercio Internacional, Empresa
Alfonso Ortega Giménez, Ángela Castellanos Cabezuelo, Enrique Ribera Carbonell, Mariana Hack Comunello