Empresa, Habilidades Directivas, Recursos Humanos
Habilidades Directivas, Recursos Humanos
1ª edición
Reinvent Your Leadership is a transformative journey that will guide you through 12 key points that show that the magic is not only in the way we do things, but also in how we make others feel. In each chapter you will dive into a different dimension of leadership and self-leadership: from empathy to authenticity, communication, resilience, and the power of taking care of the details.
In this world of dizzying change where unexpected opportunities intertwine with looming uncertainty, leadership demands a new approach and requires - perhaps more than ever - adaptation, vision and a clear willingness to reinvent oneself.
Adela Balderas will show you strategies, tools and practical resources that will allow you to look beyond words and guide you in their use. Because life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.
Prólogo.- Introducción.- Foreword to the 1st Edition by Eduardo Gómez Martín.- Foreword to the 1st Edition by Joxe Mari Aizega.- Foreword to the 2nd Edition by Luis Alonso Pastor.- Introduction.- Move forward in a calm but agile way.- Be who you are.- Nurture talent.-Anticipate to prevent noise.- Comm unicate strategically, using your head and heart.-Dare to be wrong.- Look after the message: every gesture communicates.- Emotions feed off each other.- To put yourself into someone’s shoes, first remove your own.- Remember: the team is the key.- If they do not disagree with you, you have a problem.- Be what you want to receive.- Epilogue.- Bibliography.
Doctora Mención Internacional en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad de Deusto (España), investigadora en la Universidad de Oxford (Gran Bretaña) y profesora invitada y colaboradora en el Grupo City Science MIT Media Lab y en el RCC Harvard (Boston, EE. UU.).
Licenciada en Filología Inglesa por la Universidad de Salamanca, MBA Executive y máster en Marketing por la Universidad del País Vasco, cuenta con formación ejecutiva en coaching profesional y leadership coaching por la Universidad de Nueva York, la Universidad de Stanford y la Universidad de Harvard (EE. UU.), además de formación en creatividad e innovación en la Saint Martins College, Londres (Gran Bretaña).
Profesora asociada en la Deusto Business School, la Universidad de Deusto y en el Basque Culinary Center, Adela es profesora invitada en universidades nacionales e internacionales; entre otras, la Universidad de Salamanca, la Universidad del País Vasco, la Universidad de Granada, la École hôtelière de Lausanne (Suiza), la Universidad de Regensburg (Alemania), la Universidad de Cornell, la Universidad de Pensilvania y la George Washington University (EE. UU.).
Adela Balderas holds a PhD with International Mention in Business Administration and Management from the University of Deusto (Spain). She is a researcher at the University of Oxford (Great Britain) , research affiliate at the City Science MIT Media Lab Group and a visiting professor at RCC Harvard (Boston, USA).
She holds a degree in English Philology from the University of Salamanca, an Executive MBA and a Master's degree in Marketing from the University of the Basque Country, and has executive training in professional coaching and leadership coaching from New York University, Stanford University and Harvard University (USA), as well as training in creativity and innovation at Saint Martins College, London (Great Britain).
Associate professor at the Deusto Business School, the University of Deusto and the Basque Culinary Center, Adela is a guest lecturer at national and international universities, including the University of Salamanca, the University of the Basque Country, the University of Granada, the École hôtelière de Lausanne (Switzerland), the University of Regensburg (Germany), Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania and the George Washington University (USA).
Empresa, Habilidades Directivas, Recursos Humanos
Empresa, Habilidades Directivas, Recursos Humanos
Empresa, Habilidades Directivas
Habilidades Directivas, Recursos Humanos
Empresa, Estratégico, Habilidades Directivas